Fat experiences

Wedge pillow

I can't sleep on my back because I suffer from post-nasal drip. If I try, I'll choke.

YIKES! That sounds terrifying![/quote]

To someone unfamiliar with the situation, I can understand why you'd think that, but it's more inconvenient than scary.

If I fall asleep on my back and my post-nasal drip starts acting, what happens is I'll wake from my sleep coughing.
3 months

Wedge pillow

I can't sleep on my back because I suffer from post-nasal drip. If I try, I'll choke.

YIKES! That sounds terrifying!

To someone unfamiliar with the situation, I can understand why you'd think that, but it's more inconvenient than scary.

If I fall asleep on my back and my post-nasal drip starts acting, what happens is I'll wake from my sleep coughing.[/quote]

Ooh i see. How often do you roll over in bed when you sleep? (i do it all the time i think 😅)
3 months

Wedge pillow

I can't sleep on my back because I suffer from post-nasal drip. If I try, I'll choke.

YIKES! That sounds terrifying!

To someone unfamiliar with the situation, I can understand why you'd think that, but it's more inconvenient than scary.

If I fall asleep on my back and my post-nasal drip starts acting, what happens is I'll wake from my sleep coughing.

Ooh i see. How often do you roll over in bed when you sleep? (i do it all the time i think 😅)[/quote]

It depends. Sometimes I don't move all that much. Other times, I'm practically rolling around in my sleep.
3 months

Wedge pillow


I don't know 100%, but I think that because my belly has expanded a lot, it's pulling my torso down and out of alignment and causing of my sore back.

Has anybody used a wedge pillow for this reason? Should I get one? It would probably be more comfortable than pants.

I started to have a very similar thing to this. Lifelong side sleeper, went from thin to big belly such that now I kind of half-roll forward while I sleep because of the weight, and it throws my back out of alignment.

What's helped a bit was actually a knee pillow, goes in between your legs. Somewhat concave on both sides, has a strap to attach to one leg. It kind of forces me to not let my top leg roll forward. Some nights it still doesn't help, but the pain has gone down a lot overall.
3 months

Wedge pillow


I don't know 100%, but I think that because my belly has expanded a lot, it's pulling my torso down and out of alignment and causing of my sore back.

Has anybody used a wedge pillow for this reason? Should I get one? It would probably be more comfortable than pants.

I started to have a very similar thing to this. Lifelong side sleeper, went from thin to big belly such that now I kind of half-roll forward while I sleep because of the weight, and it throws my back out of alignment.

What's helped a bit was actually a knee pillow, goes in between your legs. Somewhat concave on both sides, has a strap to attach to one leg. It kind of forces me to not let my top leg roll forward. Some nights it still doesn't help, but the pain has gone down a lot overall.

Thanks! My top leg does roll forward, it didn't even cross my mind that this could be a problem, but makes total sense. I will give this a shot!
3 months

Wedge pillow


I don't know 100%, but I think that because my belly has expanded a lot, it's pulling my torso down and out of alignment and causing of my sore back.

Has anybody used a wedge pillow for this reason? Should I get one? It would probably be more comfortable than pants.

I started to have a very similar thing to this. Lifelong side sleeper, went from thin to big belly such that now I kind of half-roll forward while I sleep because of the weight, and it throws my back out of alignment.

What's helped a bit was actually a knee pillow, goes in between your legs. Somewhat concave on both sides, has a strap to attach to one leg. It kind of forces me to not let my top leg roll forward. Some nights it still doesn't help, but the pain has gone down a lot overall.

Thanks! My top leg does roll forward, it didn't even cross my mind that this could be a problem, but makes total sense. I will give this a shot!

It's a game changer. No matter how big you are, you should sleep with a pillow between your knees. It keeps your hips in alignment and relieves pressure on your lower back.
3 months
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