Fat experiences

Disadvantages of being fat?

I'm new in this society and before I start I have a question. What common and unusual problems can cause getting fat? Maybe you noticed some things that will change after gaining?

everyone else has done a good job of covering the physical adjustments... having once been a thin, fit man, i now can really notice the difference in how some strangers react to fat people. you are treated completely differently in so many situations. there is a general public distaste or disrespect for fat people, we are looked down on by so many.

it's not a reason to not pursue weight gain if this is your thing - but it is something to be aware of. even though i was expecting it, it manifests itself in ways i never could have predicted.
8 months

Disadvantages of being fat?

Good points Canuk.
People assume I must be a lazy person because I am obese.
I have a 9 to 5 job and own a small business as well so my days are between 12 and 15 hours most days.
Stairs can be a task too it takes me longer to get up them than most people.
Trying your shoes, getting in your car are a few other things that get harder to do if you get really large.
8 months

Disadvantages of being fat?

I had to say goodbye to painting my toenails. I require a pedicure budget now.

LOL I get my BF to do mine.smiley
8 months

Disadvantages of being fat?

I hate stairs with a passion! Climbing stairs is the absolute worst.

and how about descending, downstairs?
a recuperation system for energy should be built in for fat people!😉
8 months

Disadvantages of being fat?

I hate stairs with a passion! Climbing stairs is the absolute worst.

and how about descending, downstairs?
a recuperation system for energy should be built in for fat people!😉

Going down is just as hard.
Go too fast and my belly starts swinging as my thighs rub together making holdimg my balance harder.
8 months

Disadvantages of being fat?

...and that swingin and rubbin, is that a good feelin?😉
8 months

Disadvantages of being fat?

...and that swingin and rubbin, is that a good feelin?😉

8 months

Disadvantages of being fat?

...and that swingin and rubbin, is that a good feelin?😉

Its not always a good feeling it just depends on what I am doing.LOLOL
Its more a reminder of how fat I am.
Quite flabby so it has to move when I move.
Fat thighs are going to rub.
8 months

Disadvantages of being fat?

Personally I have had no disadvantages to being fat. It doesn't keep me from doing anything that I want to, since I have never been one to want to do athletic things. It slows me some. I do not walk as fast as I used to and stairs are very slow at best (evil things they are). I just thoroughly enjoy being fat.
8 months

Disadvantages of being fat?

back pain, never being able to sit comfortably, thighs that rub and belly that rubs on my thighs too. It gives me pimples and sometimes burns if I move too much... I feel like the only way to feel comfortable is to lie down.
7 months
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