Fattening others

Force feeding

I am a lover of force feeding once I was able to do it but I felt I did it wrong so I would like to know your experiences with force feeding and tips to be able to do great next time
2 months

Force feeding

I am a lover of force feeding once I was able to do it but I felt I did it wrong so I would like to know your experiences with force feeding and tips to be able to do great next time

When force feeding, boundaries need to be discussed before hand. There also needs to be a safe word or gesture in case it gets too much for either partner.

There are several ways to force feed - funnel feeding, hand feeding, time limits, and verbal/text demands to name a few. No matter how you do it, you have to keep your feedee's limits in mind.

Whenever I'm breaking in a new feedee sub so to speak, I am pretty gentle during the first session. This is to gage what their hard and soft limits are. From there, I can decide how forceful I can be.

Sometimes, when dealing with a new feedee, they will insist they are capable of dealing with a lot of things. Take this with a cupful of salt. New feedees often (but not always) overestimate their capabilities. Be prepared to pump the breaks ahead of time. The two of you can discuss if this is a hard limit or a soft limit to overcome in time.

Feedees love it when you respect their capabilities while keeping their safety in mind.
2 months