
The loneliness of being an ffa

Or the assumption that if a girl actually likes and wants a fat guy it's only because he's rich and not because he's fat...because to the majority who in the right mind actually wants a fat partner for their bodies? Or any reason other than he/she has gobs of money? I've seen that a lot online browsing for pictures most come up as fat-shamers.
9 years

The loneliness of being an ffa

I'm surprised by all this. I thought it was a lot more common for girls to like bigger guys than guys to like bigger girls. I've never had a problem finding girls that loved my bigger size. OP: Thanks for sharing. That's really enlightening. It does suck to feel alone and alienated. We all need to feel included and part of a group. It's a basic human need. I appreciate sites like this where we can find others who share our same interests - people we'd never meet in person or even if we did, we'd never dare to say anything that allows us to discover this particular common ground.

Even among groups like this, there are particular flavors that are more common and less common, but rest assured, you are not alone. It's pretty hard to be truly unique in terms of a specific interest or fetish. That doesn't help you connect and communicate though. Perhaps a mod could create a new forum specifically for FFAs? The dominate population here is guys that like bigger girls. Maybe a designated place for FFAs to connect would help you all find each other and encourage conversation. I have no doubt that others who share your interest feel just as lonely and isolated. ~hugs~
9 years

The loneliness of being an ffa

I'm still trying to find my FFA/Feeder girlfriend. Here's hoping I'll find her soon.
9 years

The loneliness of being an ffa

Well, I'm not really on this site for any purpose other than reading stories, but I just kind of feel alone with my fetish. FFAs appear to be the rarest type of fat fetishists, and it feels bad not to have a friend I can share my feelings and thoughts with.
I mean sure, I can tell my friends I really want this ultra-chubby guy and that I think he's sexy, but they can't relate to any of that.
Just felt like sharing this.

I completely relate to all of this. It's exactly how I feel right now, unable to find a guy I like who isn't taken, and my friends who know just treat me like I'm the dorky weird one, or tell me my preference is "sweet," and laugh when I point to a sexy guy. Like their BDSM fetish is dangerous and cool and mine is endearingly innocent... People are jerks. It especially sucks when your friends are jerks.
9 years

The loneliness of being an ffa

Holy necropost! And most the users in the thread appear to be long gone.

Locking this, although one can start another thread.
4 months
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