
Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I dont know how you can find happyness from a fetish, at least directly. A fetish has to do with pleasure, in order to find happyness you need to work for a higher cause, and so on.

What my advice is, is to start working on something exciting, so exciting that it makes you forget about your fetish! Dont try to do anything with the fetish itself, just let yourself get carried away from it, with something else.

This is like trying to kick binge eating by taking up smoking.

Assuming he has maladaptive habits with his feedist kink, it's just swapping one vice for another at best, or ending up with multiple vices at worst.

Sorry, i didnt word it well enough. I had in mind things like reading / writing, learning, making art, or going on bysicle rides (thats something i enjoy a lot)

And that's putting lipstick on a pig. If you try to deal with internal issues only by focusing on external things, you won't get very far. You need to address the internal motivation as well.

Still, fetishes and kinks are a part of you. You can find healthier ways to indulge it but can't suppress it - at least for long.

Of what use is it to adressed the internal motivation, if you cannot surpress the fetish?

Do you mean for example, psychological addictions that might have developed?

I'm not talking about addictions. I don't know if OP has any or not, so I won't assume he does.

What I am talking about is introspection. What does he want? Why does he want it? Examining the different influences on his hopes, fears, and actions. Things of that nature.
6 months

Supressing the fetish

At one point (and only once in my adult life), I decided to "get fit". I was around 370 pounds, and under my doctor's care, began a faithful diet and exercise regimen. During this time, I closed my feederism accounts, and I stayed away from YouTube even, because I knew I would engage with my fetish and start stuffing again. As my body shrank, I felt less and less comfortable in it. By the time I reached 190, I was the least happy I'd ever been.

Three and a half years later, I'm 571, which is 200 lb fatter than my previous high weight. I do moderate how much time I spend engaging with kink things, because I become very motivated to stuff, and realistically, I know I can't become 800 lb. But I still enjoy the sites, the friends I've made here, the forum, and the stories. For me, it's balance

I said all this to say, I've tried to make my kink go away, and I realized that didn't enhance my life at all. There are strategies I use when it becomes too invasive, like spending more time with my fiance, my dog, or watching a favorite show. I also find ways to enjoy fat life that don't make me gain 10 lb a week, like belly play, diet soda chugs, and exhibitionism in our home (i.e. wearing T- shirts I've outgrown so my belly is completely exposed.)
6 months

Supressing the fetish

You can suppress it for a while but I do not think it ever goes away. I was always normal weight and my family was very anti-fat. I think about 15 years ago I figured out that I had this fetish and other people have it too. I was about 155 lbs at the time and gained to about 170. At that point I stopped and was able to get away from it and it layed dormant for several years. Then about 4 years ago it cam back and I managed to get to 180. I then stopped it and I wnet back to almost 160. las t year it cam back stronger than ever. With age it gets esier too. I made it to 192 this time before once again I backed off. This time I really never lost and went down just a few pounds. Then the fetish cam back again and all I think about is food and gaining. Its erotic in a very weird way. I feel the fat this time and I really notice the changes in my body. I am back upto 191 and I think I will break the old high. The problem is the more I gain and feel the fat the stronger the urge to gain even more. The last 10 pounds have really made a difference as I have outgrown pants and shirts are getting tight. I have concerns about avoiding health issues but try to balance that with the urge to gain more, I wish I understood the reasons for these urges but do not think I will. The urge this time is probably the strongest it has ever been. I think in part the last gain has really made a difference which has has spurred what will another 10 pounds bring?
6 months

Supressing the fetish

The problem is the more I gain and feel the fat the stronger the urge to gain even more.

Oh boy can I relate to that!

I'm in a situation right now, because I'm the fattest I've ever been and gained the last 18 lbs these 3 months and I'm at the point where the urge to gain, eat and hide food is interfering in my daily life...
6 months

Supressing the fetish

I understand the interfering with daily life. I feel right now that I am at a tipping point where the fetsih takes over and I blow up. I found a calculator that will tell you how many excess calories you need to gain a certain weight. If I eat an extra 1000 calories a day I would be around 200 lbs on July 4 th. I do not know why I have an obsession at the moment like this. If I thought reaching 200 would make the fetsih subside I would do it. I also think the next step would be 210 where I would officially be obese. - thus another 20 poundsI I also have hidden food where I have a big bag of chips and candy. Right now I am trying peanuts, which I love, as a better more healthy way of gaining weight. This is the first time I have had enough of a belly to play with and it is a turn on. Thus my belief this fetish NEVER goes away
6 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I doubt you can completely suppress it but you can just keep it as a fantasy and find happiness elsewhere. There's more to life than feedism.

This is the best answer.

If you're struggling with feelings of shame and general negativity then I would recommend you speak to a mental health professional about it.
6 months
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