
What was the first wakening to your fetish?

had to look for this old thread but I had a recent meme pop up and got me thinking
so you know that one scene from SpongeBob where SpongeBob and Patrick stole a balloon and became outlaws and then they made camp and SpongeBob whips out two candy bars Patrick eats them and then starts to wonder where they went and goes “you ate all the food now where gonna starve” and the picture cuts to Patrick’s swollen belly?

That scene always stuck with me, and looking back now things are kinda clicking, I mean it is currently how I feel all the time haha. I’ve maintained that I didn’t have this fetish until I was already pretty fat but seeing that thing in memes had me thinking maybe it was always something I dreamed of becoming idk.
10 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

For me, it was just seeing women showing their bellies, especially in cartoons! As a kid, I was hooked when I saw women wearing crop tops. I think that led me to developing a bellybutton fetish, since crop tops always seem to draw emphasis towards the bellybutton!

Then, I saw cartoons where men got fat, and their guts were jiggling around like crazy, that got me hooked as a kid, and I wanted to see women like that. Those experiences I had as a kid shaped my preferences to this day.
6 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

For me, it was just seeing women showing their bellies, especially in cartoons! As a kid, I was hooked when I saw women wearing crop tops. I think that led me to developing a bellybutton fetish, since crop tops always seem to draw emphasis towards the bellybutton!

Then, I saw cartoons where men got fat, and their guts were jiggling around like crazy, that got me hooked as a kid, and I wanted to see women like that. Those experiences I had as a kid shaped my preferences to this day.
6 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

This wasn't my first awakening to liking my own fat, but it's certainly an experience that stands out.

I grew up in a fairly fit household with clean eating habits, but I was ALWAYS overweight. Even when my mother was successful at limiting my intake, I still stayed chubby and had a big belly. During the summer break between third and fourth grade, I found ways to sneak snacks from the kitchen and keep a stash. I also became more social, and I had access to junk food at a friend's house. By the time school started, I had put on so much weight I could no longer fit in a regular, one-piece classroom desk. My permanent seat was the crafts table, and my teacher put another (thin) student there with me so I wasn't excluded.

During the first week of school, I got constant comments from other kids about my weight and big pot belly Instead of feeling hurt, I reveled in the comments. After that, it was never meanspirited. (It's hard to tease someone about something they're proud of.) Being fat became an accepted part of my Identity, and I was happy with it. I would even brag about how much I could eat, and at lunch, classmates would give me any food they didn't want.

On one particular day, several students had given me items they didn't want. One girl said, "Let's see how fat she gets RIGHT NOW!" This caught the teacher's attention. She scolded the other students and made a rule on the spot that no one could give away food, citing allergies as as a reason. I was so disappointed, because that effectively put a stop to my extra lunch supply. Still, twenty years later, I haven't forgotten it.
6 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I feel like it was a cartoon when I was very young. Like felix the cat or eeks the cat.
6 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I first noticed an interest in being fat right before puberty. I stuffed myself with pillows etc. By the way I was a skinny child and teen. When I entered puberty my own thoughts of gaining gave way to my attraction for BBW's. It wasn't until my 30's that the desire to get fat came back. I had gained weight but it wasn't intentional, but I loved it and started gaining on purpose, packing on about 80 pounds.
6 months
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