
What was the first wakening to your fetish?

When I started 5th grade, Roxie came in the classroom at least 25lbs heavier than she was in 4th grade. I began noticing my interest in weight gaining.

Later that year, I saw a romance comic book about a man who gain weight so he could date the secretary who fat. She wanted to date him but she was embarrassed to date a skinny guy. So she lost weight only to find out he got fat. It was such a turn on and peaked my wish to get fat.
7 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I have always been an obsessive eater, with cravings like a pregnant person that have to be indulged.

From the time I was young, I was introduced to buffets, especially American ones. Those were moments I could eat a much as I possibly could and not worry about the cost!!

I would laugh as I ate more than my mum and brother combined! I would get teased that my buttons would pop and it encouraged me to try harder!

Society kept encouraging me to lose weight, yet every time I needed a new size, or noticed a new bit of pudge, I would be enamored with it!

2014 I found this amazing world!! Now I want to live my life as fat and happy šŸ˜Š
7 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Super interesting story, and super relatable. Even before discovering sex, I found I had a fascination with fatness, fat people, and especially the process of becoming fat.

It felt like this really painful part of myself because it illicited so much self-judgement based on the opinions I saw of family, friends and society which demonised it. It definitely made me feel like there was something wrong with me for liking fatness, and once I discovered the sexual aspect of it when I became old enough, that judgement got even stronger, because I found it hard relating to other guyā€™s discussion of who they found attractive, etc.

I think today I have done a lot of inner work to accept myself more, become a bit more comfortable with this part of myself. I no longer think itā€™s something I should feel shame or guilt about, (in no small part due to websites like this one!!), and I was even able to discuss it with an ex girlfriend, but itā€™s definitely still something Iā€™m not very open about in real life, and definitely makes dating more complicated.

I would be keen to hear more about what your day to day life is like at the moment when it comes to navigating romantic relationships, because it feels tricky when I have this kink, that a partner doesnā€™t share?
7 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I remember the exact moment that it felt like something really changed about my brain chemistry.

I was in kindergarten and I was out to eat with my friend and her mom, and her mom said about her, ā€œWow, Abigailā€™s already eaten so much I bet her bellyā€™s grown three times itā€™s size!ā€

I laughed, but then I thought about it. I just remember feeling really funny inside and kinda warm and confused. Even that young I started doing a little experimentation to try to find out why I felt that way, but I didnā€™t know why. However, I gradually learned what stimulated that feeling the best. By the time I learned what sex and sexuality were I was already head over heels for weight gain, stuffing, and bellies, exploring myself to them before I knew thatā€™s what I was doing.

When I found out that what Iā€™d been doing with myself to thoughts about my friends was inherently sexual, I was terrified. That led to me feeling guilty for having any sexual feeling about anything or anyone at all. After that it took me a while to think about sexuality again at all, but mental images of full bellies and cartoons with exaggerated stuffings and weight gain haunted me and occasionally broke me. It was years before I let myself feel this way again and started working on a healthier relationship with my desires.

This fetish is even the reason I realized my bisexuality. Eventually I had to start wondering why I never stopped imagining other women getting stuffed and gaining. At first I just assumed it was a representation of me, but when I started to realize how I felt seeing other girls in my class in those situations, had to admit that maybe I was different than a lot of other people in my southern community.

Nowadays Iā€™m pretty comfortable with what I like, I just donā€™t feel comfortable letting people irl know about it. Iā€™ve come to terms with my sexuality including these BIG parts of it, and Iā€™m pretty happy and I donā€™t feel guilty for being the way I am anymore. More recently (a couple years ago), I even started embricing the part of me that always wanted to gain weight for myself. I never could because of life circumstances, fear of judgement, etc., but now Iā€™m really enjoying it.

I think you raise a couple of notions that seems common for many of us.

First, for many of us, this thing occurs before puberty and often before we really understand sex or sexuality.

And second, as we move into puberty our thoughts and feelings about weight gain and fat and big bellies is often not merely confusing. Itā€™s downright damaging. You feel shame and aloneness. You dare not mention your ā€œpervertedā€ thoughts to anyone.

Thank goodness for this site and others like it. For me, I realized there were many others like me when I read an excerpt from Dimensions Magazine in Harpers Monthly. From there, the internet opened up a lot of this for me. Thank goodness.
7 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

For me it was big bellies and tighs
Even when I was a kid it turned me on so much.
7 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

had to look for this old thread but I had a recent meme pop up and got me thinking
so you know that one scene from SpongeBob where SpongeBob and Patrick stole a balloon and became outlaws and then they made camp and SpongeBob whips out two candy bars Patrick eats them and then starts to wonder where they went and goes ā€œyou ate all the food now where gonna starveā€ and the picture cuts to Patrickā€™s swollen belly?

That scene always stuck with me, and looking back now things are kinda clicking, I mean it is currently how I feel all the time haha. Iā€™ve maintained that I didnā€™t have this fetish until I was already pretty fat but seeing that thing in memes had me thinking maybe it was always something I dreamed of becoming idk.
5 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

For me, it was just seeing women showing their bellies, especially in cartoons! As a kid, I was hooked when I saw women wearing crop tops. I think that led me to developing a bellybutton fetish, since crop tops always seem to draw emphasis towards the bellybutton!

Then, I saw cartoons where men got fat, and their guts were jiggling around like crazy, that got me hooked as a kid, and I wanted to see women like that. Those experiences I had as a kid shaped my preferences to this day.
1 month

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

For me, it was just seeing women showing their bellies, especially in cartoons! As a kid, I was hooked when I saw women wearing crop tops. I think that led me to developing a bellybutton fetish, since crop tops always seem to draw emphasis towards the bellybutton!

Then, I saw cartoons where men got fat, and their guts were jiggling around like crazy, that got me hooked as a kid, and I wanted to see women like that. Those experiences I had as a kid shaped my preferences to this day.
1 month

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

This wasn't my first awakening to liking my own fat, but it's certainly an experience that stands out.

I grew up in a fairly fit household with clean eating habits, but I was ALWAYS overweight. Even when my mother was successful at limiting my intake, I still stayed chubby and had a big belly. During the summer break between third and fourth grade, I found ways to sneak snacks from the kitchen and keep a stash. I also became more social, and I had access to junk food at a friend's house. By the time school started, I had put on so much weight I could no longer fit in a regular, one-piece classroom desk. My permanent seat was the crafts table, and my teacher put another (thin) student there with me so I wasn't excluded.

During the first week of school, I got constant comments from other kids about my weight and big pot belly Instead of feeling hurt, I reveled in the comments. After that, it was never meanspirited. (It's hard to tease someone about something they're proud of.) Being fat became an accepted part of my Identity, and I was happy with it. I would even brag about how much I could eat, and at lunch, classmates would give me any food they didn't want.

On one particular day, several students had given me items they didn't want. One girl said, "Let's see how fat she gets RIGHT NOW!" This caught the teacher's attention. She scolded the other students and made a rule on the spot that no one could give away food, citing allergies as as a reason. I was so disappointed, because that effectively put a stop to my extra lunch supply. Still, twenty years later, I haven't forgotten it.
1 month

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I liked fatness even as a little kid. I had an overstuffed plush bear called "Roly Poly" that I preferred, and I remember being drawn to plus-size teachers and adults who I thought were soft and warm in both body and spirit.

Honestly my first "awakening" moment was when I worked on a sewing project in my early teens and had the chance to create a stuffed animal. I promptly overfilled it with poly - I remember feeling a wonderful sense of nonsexual admiration both for this chunky little stuffie and for my deliberate choice to make it as fat as its seams would allow.

I also found an Overeaters Anonymous book that described people's stories with food addiction - I'm embarrassed to admit that I found the sections describing the members weight gain and binge eating to be erotic and being confused about why I found these sections to be more compelling than the contributors' subsequent weight loss stories.

When I started dating I found that I was most attracted to overweight girls, and that food and feeding were my love language. I found a feeder website in college, and that was the first time that I was able to learn that I wasn't alone in how I felt, and that there were even people out there who liked being fed as much as I liked feeding.
1 month
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