Fat experiences

What was your point of no return?

Having been a chubby kid and then an overweight adult, I have gone through about 45 years of criticism about my weight. Still remember my college graduation and my mom asking me to keep my graduation gown on during my party as when would I get a chance to wear something like that again…. I knew it was she didn’t want relatives to see how fat I looked just in a dress at my highest weight then of 203 lbs. Fast forward many years…Now 57 and thanks in part to Covid….. I stopped dieting when I got heavier so that I’ve gained about 60 pounds since 2020. Happy now at around 270! Can’t imagine the effort to go back down. Also have a very supportive hubby who is enthralled with my new curves! So no return to the old days of agonizing over every pound.
1 year

What was your point of no return?

Having been a chubby kid and then an overweight adult, I have gone through about 45 years of criticism about my weight. Still remember my college graduation and my mom asking me to keep my graduation gown on during my party as when would I get a chance to wear something like that again…. I knew it was she didn’t want relatives to see how fat I looked just in a dress at my highest weight then of 203 lbs. Fast forward many years…Now 57 and thanks in part to Covid….. I stopped dieting when I got heavier so that I’ve gained about 60 pounds since 2020. Happy now at around 270! Can’t imagine the effort to go back down. Also have a very supportive hubby who is enthralled with my new curves! So no return to the old days of agonizing over every pound.
1 year

What was your point of no return?

Having been a chubby kid and then an overweight adult, I have gone through about 45 years of criticism about my weight. Still remember my college graduation and my mom asking me to keep my graduation gown on during my party as when would I get a chance to wear something like that again…. I knew it was she didn’t want relatives to see how fat I looked just in a dress at my highest weight then of 203 lbs. Fast forward many years…Now 57 and thanks in part to Covid….. I stopped dieting when I got heavier so that I’ve gained about 60 pounds since 2020. Happy now at around 270! Can’t imagine the effort to go back down. Also have a very supportive hubby who is enthralled with my new curves! So no return to the old days of agonizing over every pound.

Good for you 🙂
1 year

What was your point of no return?

i have written about this in previous threads, so i won't repeat it all... but there was a real moment of "no return" for me, too.

i had taken a conscious break from exercise and restraint, and was enjoying a life of excess with my girlfriend at that time. i was around 150 or 160 when we'd met, and i thought i would let myself get up to 200 and then lose the weight...

well, i overshot the mark a little, getting up to about 220 before going back to the gym. that lasted a few weeks, and i was over 250 by the time i decided i *really* had to do something!

but by then i was just so embarrassed being in the gym... i could only last a few minutes on the treadmill, my gut bouncing all the time... and i was humiliated by how light the weights were that i could lift! i could barely do a push-up, and i couldn't even do a single sit-up!

so i hit that point psychologically them. now, almost 200 lbs heavier, i am pretty resigned to being fat, the point of no return is so long past!
1 year

What was your point of no return?

i have written about this in previous threads, so i won't repeat it all... but there was a real moment of "no return" for me, too.

i had taken a conscious break from exercise and restraint, and was enjoying a life of excess with my girlfriend at that time. i was around 150 or 160 when we'd met, and i thought i would let myself get up to 200 and then lose the weight...

well, i overshot the mark a little, getting up to about 220 before going back to the gym. that lasted a few weeks, and i was over 250 by the time i decided i *really* had to do something!

but by then i was just so embarrassed being in the gym... i could only last a few minutes on the treadmill, my gut bouncing all the time... and i was humiliated by how light the weights were that i could lift! i could barely do a push-up, and i couldn't even do a single sit-up!

so i hit that point psychologically them. now, almost 200 lbs heavier, i am pretty resigned to being fat, the point of no return is so long past!

I have a feeling that if that happened to me (where I get fat and cannot lose the weight), I would also feel inclined to let go and get even more fat.
1 year

What was your point of no return?

My point of no return was being around people who were fatter than me. I always felt out of place when we were out together. So now, I feel more comfortable being as fat as my friends.
11 months

What was your point of no return?

My point of no return was before I even started properly gaining. I was already a bit chubby but I woke up one morning after a party and saw my belly was a little more bloated than usual and thought I looked really good with the extra weight.
11 months

What was your point of no return?

I do believe there is a point of no return. This is the point where you accept your desire to gain weight and have that soft jiggly body you so desire. This comes at the expense of certain society norms which is always saying to lose weight. I'm not sure I am there yet, but I know I am very close. The last few weeks there has been an obsession to start the ball rolling again and really be committed to it. Before when I gave in I never reached the point of no return because the extra weight was not completely noticeable. This time it is as I have already outgrown jeans and I am getting close with shirts. This time I really feel the extra weight and there is nothing I do not like about it. I think part of it is my age, If I am ever going to do it now is the time. T he point of no return is reached when you KNOW your not going back and you completely give in the ravenous desire to be stuffed and fat. I am spending way too much time thinking about this and just letting go would be sooo much easier.
6 months

What was your point of no return?

If I *had* to lose weight or risk death, could I? Sure. I don't believe that even I, a nearly 600 pound woman, have hit some level of obesity that renders me powerless to change it.

That said, only a medically necessary situation would make me lose weight at this point. I'm very happy with my body, belly size, and life-style, and ALL of this weight was either directly intentional or the result of stretching my stomach out so much in a gaining spurt, it was hard to stop. While I may need to lose a little to fit into my wedding dress, bought 55 pounds ago, it will be as small a loss as possible. I don't foresee ever wanting to drop below 525. That's when I became truly satisfied with the look and feel of my obese body.
6 months

What was your point of no return?

I have always been at least “chunky” and made a few half-hearted attempts to shed a few pounds or work out more in my late teens and early twenties (when I was in the lower to mid 200s). I just always enjoyed eating more than being “slim” and I am pretty lazy, so extra activity has never been that enjoyable for me. In my later twenties and thirties I was busy with life and never really thought about losing weight. Also, slowly getting into the mid300s during that time, weight never really interfered with my life. I would say that my “point of no return” happened around 400 pounds. I am currently in the upper 400s and the amount of eating restrictions and activity increase necessary to make a significant impact on my weight is just way beyond what I would be realistically capable of. Especially given that I have no motivation or desire to lose weight.

Your story is much like mine, I was a fat at 7 and knew I wanted to be bigger. But could not be open in a family and society that did not tolerate being fat. It made my youngest year confusing and frustrated. And it has taken another 25 year to be comfortable being me. It’s is a shame but now I will be as fat as I or my body wants to be.
6 months
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