Fattening others

How to secretly add calories to my wife's meals?

I want to fatten my wife, she's already obese, but sometimes eating not enough to gain. What i can use to increase her calorie intake so she can gain and gain a lot faster?

Be for REAL, man. The answer isn't going to change.

You *say* you're in Russia but if you just *happen* to not actually be there, and say, in the United States, it would benefit you to know that it's a federal felony to do this and one of the few crimes of this nature that's easy to prove and convict.

Just... FOOD for thought.

Butter On A Pop Tart:
Is it actually illegal?

Like you obviously can't drug someone, but if you give someone food that's designed to make them fat... I mean, it's still just food - even if there are hidden intentions behind it.

Yes, actually. Secret feeding is, in fact, a crime. There are a lot of aspects to it:

Abuse, unauthorized food manipulation, assault if they have a medical reaction, etc.

I've seen some posts on this very site from users that survived secret feedings. Restraining orders and the police were involved. The guilty parties went to jail.

Also, Russia has historically stricter food related laws than America, so OP really has no legs to stand on.

That said, as a general rule of thumb, if you have to start debating the legality on an issue, it's a good sign you are in the wrong.
3 months

How to secretly add calories to my wife's meals?

Yes, actually. Secret feeding is, in fact, a crime. There are a lot of aspects to it:

Abuse, unauthorized food manipulation, assault if they have a medical reaction, etc.

I've seen some posts on this very site from users that survived secret feedings. Restraining orders and the police were involved. The guilty parties went to jail.

Also, Russia has historically stricter food related laws than America, so OP really has no legs to stand on.

That said, as a general rule of thumb, if you have to start debating the legality on an issue, it's a good sign you are in the wrong.

That’s surprising to me. And I’m not saying it’s wrong.

I’m sure it also happens for force feeding and restraining a partner against their will, as well as drugging them. I just can’t picture cops getting involved if someone said “I caught a partner slipping heavy cream into my coffee”.
3 months

How to secretly add calories to my wife's meals?

FF and the wider community do not condone secret feeding for all the reasons that have been brought up by users in this thread.

Thank you to everyone who responded.

While you may have fantasies about this, it is not something you should be acting upon in real life, unless you are role playing online or in real life with a consenting partner.

Consent being the key word here. Body Autonomy is another key word here, every single person has the right to make decisions about their own body. Secret feeding takes away that right as you are effectively manipulating / controlling someone without their knowledge or permission.

Nothing further really needs to be said on the topic. I am locking this thread, please do not continue making forum posts on this topic.

FF Team
3 months
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