

I know the feeling where does it go?
Seems like yesterday for sure.
I still listen to trash metal like Anthrax and
Overkill .from the 90s
9 months


SSBBW Summer:
Those songs that came out 15 years ago but feels like only yesterday. Where does the time go?


I listen to a lot of oldies 60s and 70s then basically everything in between. Grew up on Backstreet Boys, New Kids Brittany Spears, and NSYNC. Listened to mix just last night, really does take you back. 💖
5 months


Pretty much only listen to music pre 2000’s. I have music from the 40’s-90’s.

From classical to heavy metal to hard core rap and EDM.

If you like hard core rap and music diversity, lemme put you onto Kendrick Lamar. He is post 2000's, but he has all the OG's respect.
5 months


I agree, a lot of the songs that are turning 10 or whatever, is really hard to believe at times. I use to work security for concerts, so I like a wide range of music. From George Jones to Thomas Rhett, to Areosmith to Jellyroll & just about everything in between.
5 months


I've recently come to find a lot of early 2000s/late 90s eurodance tracks to still be great; I listen to them on the regular!

Bailando by Paradiso, Dragostea din tae by O-Zone, Better Off Alone by Alice DJ, Scatman's World by (obviously) Scatman John, and a lot more.
5 months


Heavy on Grunge right now; Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing pumpkins, Pearl Jam, and alot more. But I also like artists like Grent Perez, Tyler the Creator, Laufey. My taste is everywhere.
4 months


I like just about everything but my favorite are the strokes and everything in that sort of art indie vibe the early 2010s had.
4 months


also David Bowie >
4 months


Heavy on Grunge right now; Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing pumpkins, Pearl Jam, and alot more. But I also like artists like Grent Perez, Tyler the Creator, Laufey. My taste is everywhere.

I LOVE Grunge. Loved the Era, the clothes, the wild time in my life. LOL!

I like all kinds of music, except country. Sorry, I just can't. But Jazz, Classical, metal, pop, hip hop, classic rock, crooning, all of the rest is great. 😁

But man... I blinked and 30 years went by. I still pull up Toy Soldiers on Spotify and zip back in time. LOL!
4 months


My favorite music is from the late 70’s through the 80’s, The Ramons, Joan Jet, Blondie, Pat Benatar…. I can’t believe that it was 40+ years ago.
4 months
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