
What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

I’m curious about how it feels to gain weight. Is it scary, exciting? Can you feel yourself getting bigger. How do you get past the social stigma of wanting to gain weight? How do you prepare and finally decide to go for it? Truth is I’ve been into this fetish for a long time. And I truly want to let go of my fears and gain.
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

I can vouch for this experience a bit - I was 180 about 2 years ago and have jumped up over the last two years to my current weight of 228 (knocking on 230).

At first, it seemed to take so much longer than I initially expected to "fatten" up because the stories that I was accustomed to reading and the pictures that we favorite on feeder sites seemed to show a magical type of gain. I didn't experience this. I initially experienced the highs of intentionally overeating and stuffing, and then imagining how big I was going to be the next day - only to find that nothing seemed to stick. I was getting a lot of short-term gratification in just loading up with calories, but I didn't feel like it was working.

And then, one day - my clothing felt a bit uncomfortable. Like seriously - just out of the blue.

I didn't feel "fat" - it just felt like my clothing was a bit snug to the point of being just a little annoying.

That's hiw it started for me, anyway. I ended up buying one size up and rejoiced in a milestone, but I didn't look or feel fat. So I kept up the overeating and secretly stuffing and buying double of everything.

The next phase felt like I was doing something wrong because my portions were disappearing faster and I still had capacity (and a new feeling of "bottomless pit" when eating).

It wasn't until I hit 200 at the end first year that I felt like I was making any real progress.

Year 2 for me was when I first started feeling like the weight was showing up as fat. My love handles softened a bit first before I noticed some softer fat on my belly. I was stuffed all the time so the belly growth really only felt like a full gut until one random morning when I woke up and couldn't button my "fat pants" because I couldn't suck in the squish of my waistline.

So... my experience was a lot more gradual than I thought it would be - even though 50 pounds in 2 years is a lot.

Be ready for your doctor to start raising an eyebrow, too. smiley
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

That sounds really awesome! Thank you for sharing, I’m still trying to work through my own insecurities, that are preventing me from really doing intentional gaining. I may use the (I’m bulking for the gym mentally to get me moving. And have that as reason for my weight gain.
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

You can be fit and fat

You don't always tell but you can be 400 pound and can carry the weight your the best you could be but you can be 300 and be immobile as you didn't up with carrying yourself
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

I’m curious about how it feels to gain weight. Is it scary, exciting? Can you feel yourself getting bigger. How do you get past the social stigma of wanting to gain weight? How do you prepare and finally decide to go for it? Truth is I’ve been into this fetish for a long time. And I truly want to let go of my fears and gain.

I started pretty aggressively when I was fit. It was dizzying. At my quickest I gained about 2 lbs daily for the first 2 months. At that rate you can feel the extra fat when you wake up in the morning, and your clothes getting tighter every day. It’s terrifying, risky, and utterly erotic.
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

Thank you all for the different prospectives. I generally just want to not be afraid of the weight gain. Just to feel free and comfortable about any food I want to eat. I’m not sure I’m ready to just balloon up. More of being comfortable with a gradual somewhat natural gain from not restricting anymore. What scares me is how much weight will come from that.
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

I have always been into my wife gaining weight. There had been a huge void with her gaining for many years when she went back to take an executive job in the financial field where she had been recruited for many years. The kids were all in High School towards the end and I thought it was a great deal for her. Her position was mostly a small book of business along with entertaining the upper Management large accounts. She had a Company Card for high end lunches and dining which she took the top clients out and wined and dined them. She seemed to like her new position after being a stay at home Mom for so many years.

After a month or so I started to notice all her business pencil skirts become incredibly snug with her pronounced gut jutting out and her silk dress blouses becoming extremely snug showing her beautifully fattened love handles and her huge breasts were bulging out the chest of her blouses with the buttons straining. I would admire her fattening figure while she would tell me of the great lunches, wine and deserts she would have most days for lunch. At the beginning of her new position I would help out, by buying groceries and preparing dinner in the evenings. I decided to buy all her fattening favorites as well as cooking nice and fattening. She seemed to love it and ate with reckless abandon. She would clear every plate I made her even if it was obnoxiously big followed by a pint of ben n jerrys every evening. The months passed and she was packing on the pounds at what some would call an alarming rate, but I loved every inch and roll she grew. She soon grew out of her business clothes and bought new larger sizes until her figure started straining those. She looked amazing getting so much fatter again.

Her eating habits stayed enormous but what I didn't realize is all of a sudden I seemed to develop a sweet tooth like her and was eating ice cream every night after our huge Lasagna meals I cooked with huge pieces of Italian bread with butter and sometimes seconds I would serve both of us. I weighed myself one day at the gym, that I had not been to in a couple months and realized i had packed on close to 20 pounds. I admired my new gut in the mirror and was pretty aroused and decided to intentionally gain, mostly to see if my wife would tease me, joke or even scold me for packing on such a big gut. I started eating even more intentionally even though I had already developed a bigger appetite, but I surprised myself in two weeks time after stuffing every meal how big my appetite really became. I would have deserts after breakfast and lunch and even started having several milkshakes in between through out the day after massive lunches that were easily 3k calories. I figured I was probably eating a very unhealthy 6-7k calories a day if not more.

At this point my wife was now doing the cooking in the evenings again and buying the groceries. The crazy thing is in the past once my wife would gain 10+ pounds she would try and eat really healthy and diet, but this time she had to have already gained 20+ pounds and she was preparing us a lot of the same fattening dishes I made, not to mention she was buying all her favorite ben n jerrys, cookies and chocolates. She didn't slow down one bit and she even mentioned to me one night, "Honey, I bought all your favorite ice cream and cookies at the store today". I thought to myself "have I really turned into that much of a pig with a sweet tooth that she knows all my favorites that I have been devouring from her stash for the last several months". I came home bloated every night stuffing myself all day just to get a reaction out of my wife, but then I wanted to impress her with eating my huge fattening dinner she made us. It was tough some nights but the she would serve me seconds and I didn't want to let her down and I wanted my gut to hit a new huge territory every night so I just kept eating. I was at the point even if I was so bloated and full I could still keep eating with all my practice for many months now during the day and stretching out my new huge gut. If I didn't know any better I would think she was trying to make her husband even fatter with how many huge servings every night and then immediately following dinner coming over and dropping a huge bowl of ice cream on what was a shrinking lap I had with my huge 15 months pregnant looking gut now taking up all the space on it. I was so consumed with stuffing myself and seeing how big and bloated my gut was becoming not to mention how fast I was packing on the pounds with all that I consumed I barely noticed how much my wife had continued eating with me and how Fat she had become during this time as well.

She seemed to love her Fattened Huge Gut husband because I believe I think she felt she created my new Massive Gut with Love. I certainly liked her Beautiful Fattened figure and she was never as Hot to me was she was now. I packed on around 60 pounds to her 45 pounds.
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

Wow! That sounds so amazing!! To gain together would be a dream!!!
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

Whoops - Ran out of characters.

It was a pretty arousing experience packing on that big of a gut fairly quickly and even crazier to see how out of control I intentionally made my appetite to become with stuffing.

When I was around my wife eating and snacking and making Love there was no better feeling having such a big gut and her big belly and fattened figure. During times when I was around people I knew, which wasn't a whole bunch during this time, I felt a bit insecure knowing even though some didn't say but glared at how big of a Gut I had developed. I probably had 12-15" extra around my gut even though I only went from 34" to 40" in pants I wore them riding very low below my gut.

Both my wife and I were kind of home bodies during this time, we basically fattened each other up for eight months. I remember the first time I saw a girl trainer at my gym that I had known for years, she had a look of surprise seeing me being that the once muscular guy with a 34" waist almost a year ago now had a massive gut sticking out in front of him that struggled tome the same as before almost clumsily. I felt somewhat shy and out of place and couldn't wait to get home to see my wife and eat to our hearts content.

I remember going out with another one of our couples friends for dinner which we hadn't seen for many many months, it was quite awkward. First off, it was a struggle to find something to wear that could conceal what a Gut I packed on and how Fat my wife got. As we were leaving this night I remember looking at my wife packed into her clothes looking as if she couldn't breathe and thinking, "Wow, she got uncomfortably Fat". I looked in the full length mirror as I was leaving, and thought I am concealing nothing, I still look 15 months pregnant. The worst part after knowing our friends must have been in shock by how Fat we had both become was trying to not eat like we were used to now days. In fact my wife mentioned on the way home to pull through a McDonald's so we can get more to eat. I was shocked at this once healthy woman appetite and how much she ordered now, but it allowed me to eat order another two dinners as well. We got home and ate everything, and then my wife brought us both a pint of ben n jerrys on the couch, we were back to a Fat happy eating couple.

I would say our Fattened lives changed pretty dramatically but I loved it especially when we were always together. In fact we didn't really see friends individually on our own anymore, no more Gym and her Tennis days were well past her now with the weight she was now carrying, we were the happy eating couple going to dates to the movies hoping we didn't;t see anyone we knew there and snacking and eating and making love.
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

Wow! That sounds so amazing!! To gain together would be a dream!!!

It was pretty amazing. I feel that their was such a lack of weight gain on my wife for many years that I went full on - with her and especially myself!
1 month
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