
Fat fantasies

Just wanted to make this thread for folks to share their ideal fantasies about weight gain or fatness in general. I think one of my biggest ones is the thought of being helpless, and relying on my feeder for everything, and being rewarded for my gluttony ;D something about that is just perfection to me; please feel free to share yours
1 month

Fat fantasies

I love that fantasy. Being helpless and thanking my feeder every time she feeds me, getting praise on my appetite and different parts of my body as they grow. Your arms are getting so jiggly, I love it. Keep eating like this and we’ll have to buy you all new clothes. Gaining is sooo sexy.
1 month

Fat fantasies

If it was possible to eat continuously while the belly infinitely grew bigger, I'd want to be propped up in a giant, comfortable bed and fed constantly. My gut would become an incomprehensibly large sphere of fat that filled the entire bed, touching my feet, and my only obligation would be packing in tens of thousands of calories.
1 month

Fat fantasies

I have had this fantasy already ever since I was a little kid. I would always put stuffed animals under my female friend's clothes and I feel like the awakening of this fantasy really wasn't present until I turned 11. Sometimes, however, I do feel guilty for wanting to have a fat girlfriend because of health concerns and that at some point I would be responsible for the risks. However, I really hope someday I'll find my marshmallow girl and that we'll be like a marshmallow on a stick couple (me being the stick and her being the marshmallow lol)
1 month

Fat fantasies

I have had this fantasy already ever since I was a little kid. I would always put stuffed animals under my female friend's clothes and I feel like the awakening of this fantasy really wasn't present until I turned 11. Sometimes, however, I do feel guilty for wanting to have a fat girlfriend because of health concerns and that at some point I would be responsible for the risks. However, I really hope someday I'll find my marshmallow girl and that we'll be like a marshmallow on a stick couple (me being the stick and her being the marshmallow lol)

Stuffing toys under your female friend's clothes?

Batman couldn't have gotten that outta me.
1 month