
2. largest feederism community

In which country, after the USA, are there the most people from the community?
3 months

2. largest feederism community

Not sure which order, but the top 4 are USA, Canada, UK and Germany.
3 months

2. largest feederism community

In which country, after the USA, are there the most people from the community?

I'm making an educated guess, simply from observations and sheer population numbers, but that would appear to be the UK.

However, I only really spent meaningful time on English feederism communities, so I can't be absolutely certain.

It would also be why other countries like Australia and Canada seem to rank high. As for Germany, I don't know, though knowledge of English seems to be high there.

I once did come across a French feederism message board. I don't know how active it was, but it was there. But it seemed less active since for the most part, it would be France, Montreal/Quebec, maybe some from New Orleans/Louisiana, maybe a few other small territories where French is the primary language, and a small scattering of those elsewhere who happen to know French.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Spanish feederism web site out there somewhere (Central and South America after all), but I don't happen to know of any.

Solid statistics about feederism are quite hard to come by.
3 months