
Side effects of stuffing?

Just wondering, (as i do), is thier any negative side effects to stuffing?

for example, is a great night stuffing going to be followed by a bad night on the toilet?

will u end up puking it all out after?

Or is thier certain things u have to do to avoid that sort of stuff?


just some random thoughts i have which turn me off the whole stuffing thing, which comes down to plain ignorance...

enlighten me please?


15 years

Side effects of stuffing?

lol indeed i did...

but i've had problems in the past with that stuff without stuffing, don't want to make it worse...
15 years

Side effects of stuffing?

Some of it you're just going to have to learn by trial and error. Some foods give me problems if I eat them in large quantities or not. I've had intestinal problems in the past too, but I also had them when I was actively dieting at one point. Things are actually slightly better now that I stuff on occasion, but I also try to get enough fiber. It might sound slightly strange, but stuffing a balanced diet makes things easier to handle "on the other end". For me it's the volume, not so much what I stuff with that makes things interesting.

I tend to do better with a variety of items - trying to stuff all one thing tends to make me feel more queasy and I start to develop some aversions. The only time I really puked after after stuffing was when I downed a whole extra large pepperoni and sausage pizza - it was really greasy and I just couldn't keep it down. Too much cheese and the sausage was really spicy.

All-you-can eat buffets are a really good option - lots of different foods to peak your appetite and you don't get bogged down on one item. Make sure to drink enough liquids and take lots of small bites - helps to pack in those last little nooks and crannies!

15 years

Side effects of stuffing?


great advice, thanks heaps


15 years

Side effects of stuffing?

confused wrote:

great advice, thanks heaps



No problem smiley
15 years

Side effects of stuffing?

I found that when I really stuffed, it often made for a rough night of sleep. Mostly just from the difficulty in finding a sleeping position that didn't bother my over-stuffed stomach, but some from a bit of stomach discomfort, and also more apt to have to get up to go to the washroom.

On a more serious note, depending on what you are eating, you are apt to give yourself a real blood sugar spike, and possibly a blood pressure spike too (from the salt). Neither of those are so good for your system if you do it repeatedly. You can avoid that somewhat by trying to eat low sodium, and really limiting sugar and simple carbs while including plenty of fibre....but that is a lot less fun than downing a cheesecake and a bag of chips :-/
13 years

Side effects of stuffing?

Everyone has given great tips... as a female I just want to say you can work up to stuffing. Just eat one normal meal as you normally do... then add half a cup or have a snack... add another snack... continue. Take a few breaks between bites to learn your level.

I also eat yogurt everyday... and sometimes I do reach for pepto. When I have to much sugary treats, or greasy treats...I just feel icky. It happens.

Good luck!
13 years

Side effects of stuffing?

Consuming a large amount of food, especially if it's high in fat, salt, or sugar, can lead to acid reflux or heartburn block blast
1 month