
Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

For the longest time, no. I kept it to reading stories and using my imagination in private and no one knew. Heck, I didn't even realize it was a fetish, I didn't know why I masturbated to the idea of gaining weight all the time. Until I was about 30 and actually gained a little weight accidentally. And I liked it! Then I started gaining more weight on purpose. And I realized I was so into it, I needed to tell my husband. He knows, and has dabbled a little with me trying to understand it. Embracing this fetish and my weight has done wonders for my libido and sexual enjoyment. I realized I'm a pretty sexual person, and I've unlocked up some doors for myself. Achievement unlocked!

But I've a bit of work to do to understand how the fetish will really coexist in my relationship. It's hard when you're partner doesn't share the fetish.
8 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I was just wondering if there were a lot of people who admitted to having these fetishes or kinks to their parents, families, friends, or work colleagues. How they reacted. Did they discover it or did you tell them? How do you live this experience?

For my part, no one knows. I simply don't assume it, especially since I have a lot of kinks around gaybears and bellies in general. If I told them all about my weird big weirdo's kinks, they'd be sent to the psychiatric asylum.

Me, personally?

I reject the term fetish cause I don’t think this is a fetish. People like what they like. If you notice, it’s only a “fetish” when it’s not the norm. If a short woman prefers a tall man, it’s never accused of being a fetish. If a man wants a slim woman, it’s never accused of being a fetish. Because we like people with extra body fat, now all of a sudden it’s a fetish. It’s a joke to me. But! That’s just my opinion.

But to answer your question, yeah everyone knows I only date big people. Some don’t like or agree with it but they know better to than to say something disrespectful to me about it.
8 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I’ll never discuss my sexual interests with a non-feedist.

I don’t have the patience to lay it all out knowing that they’ll not understand it anyway.

I get it. But at the same time, it can be presumptuous to think they wouldn't understand. After all, there are feedist on here that got into feedism because a partner introduced them to it.

It depends on the person.
8 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I was just wondering if there were a lot of people who admitted to having these fetishes or kinks to their parents, families, friends, or work colleagues. How they reacted. Did they discover it or did you tell them? How do you live this experience?

For my part, no one knows. I simply don't assume it, especially since I have a lot of kinks around gaybears and bellies in general. If I told them all about my weird big weirdo's kinks, they'd be sent to the psychiatric asylum.

Me, personally?

I reject the term fetish cause I don’t think this is a fetish. People like what they like. If you notice, it’s only a “fetish” when it’s not the norm. If a short woman prefers a tall man, it’s never accused of being a fetish. If a man wants a slim woman, it’s never accused of being a fetish. Because we like people with extra body fat, now all of a sudden it’s a fetish. It’s a joke to me. But! That’s just my opinion.

But to answer your question, yeah everyone knows I only date big people. Some don’t like or agree with it but they know better to than to say something disrespectful to me about it.

I agree with this. Everyone knows I go for big guys. I haven't been interested romantically in an average size guy for a very long time. (I'm attracted to a lot of body types, but I prefer dating big guys.) Although I enjoy doing kinky things involving fat bodies, my interest in these men are separate from their size. I go after them because they are good men and we click well.

I met my current partner on FF. He's met my family and everything. Everyone loves him. My mom is already dreaming about how wedding and future kids. My friends adore him too. He's the fattest man I've ever dated, but literally no one cares.

They just see him as a kind, handsome young man that treats me well and makes me happy.

It really isn't that deep.
8 months
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