Lifestyle tips

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

Sadly the fetish related to fat people is they cannot be fit so people upplay on that. Many can lift many things, I personally walk 10k steps a day, and many fat people lead VERY active lifestyles unhindered by their weight with great stamina, strength, mobility, and agility ;]

Well, that's only one aspect of things. I won't deny that a lot of people enjoy the helplessness side of things or being out of shape. But a lot of people enjoy or even prefer fat people that don't have mobility issues. There's also a lot of love for strong fat people.
3 months

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

I’m gonna say no only because that’s a super human person in a video game, I don’t think there’s prize winning mma fighters who can do stuff like that.

Can we be morbidly obese and active? Absolutely, but let’s be realistic no one can do 9 back flips in mid air lol.
3 months

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

Do I like huge characters in games? Absolutely. Ellie in borderlands is bae.
3 months

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

Morbidly A Beast:
I’m gonna say no only because that’s a super human person in a video game, I don’t think there’s prize winning mma fighters who can do stuff like that.

Can we be morbidly obese and active? Absolutely, but let’s be realistic no one can do 9 back flips in mid air lol.

3 months

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

Viewing my partner over a period of time and weight gain. I would say staying as physically active as possible you can retain good mobility and health. But eventually size, weight, age and wear and tear of carrying excess weight will eventually take its toll. That is my experience of how much she has changed over a period of time. I remember her being able to walk miles.
But now she can barely stand and can only take a few steps. She uses a wheelchair now. Immobility is likely very soon.
3 months

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

English Feeder:
Viewing my partner over a period of time and weight gain. I would say staying as physically active as possible you can retain good mobility and health. But eventually size, weight, age and wear and tear of carrying excess weight will eventually take its toll. That is my experience of how much she has changed over a period of time. I remember her being able to walk miles.
But now she can barely stand and can only take a few steps. She uses a wheelchair now. Immobility is likely very soon.

How big is she, if you don't mind my asking?
3 months

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

English Feeder:
Viewing my partner over a period of time and weight gain. I would say staying as physically active as possible you can retain good mobility and health. But eventually size, weight, age and wear and tear of carrying excess weight will eventually take its toll. That is my experience of how much she has changed over a period of time. I remember her being able to walk miles.
But now she can barely stand and can only take a few steps. She uses a wheelchair now. Immobility is likely very soon.

How big is she, if you don't mind my asking?

She has been very ill in hospital so has lost weight. She is probably around 475 at 5'2" and in her late 60's
3 months

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

English Feeder:
Viewing my partner over a period of time and weight gain. I would say staying as physically active as possible you can retain good mobility and health. But eventually size, weight, age and wear and tear of carrying excess weight will eventually take its toll. That is my experience of how much she has changed over a period of time. I remember her being able to walk miles.
But now she can barely stand and can only take a few steps. She uses a wheelchair now. Immobility is likely very soon.

How big is she, if you don't mind my asking?

English Feeder:
She has been very ill in hospital so has lost weight. She is probably around 475 at 5'2" and in her late 60's

That sucks. I'm sorry to hear she's so ill. Wish her well.
3 months

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

Some inspiration for you!

The Fat Free Runner:

This guy might not be huge but he's still visibly quite fat and he can do all sorts of crazy flips and acrobatic stuff. Very cool and inspiring, highly recommend checking him out.

But if you wanna see someone that people here would actually consider fat, I'm talking the 300lbs+ sizes, look no further than Heavy Weight Musik

These guys are MASSIVE and check out the handstand flip they do near the beginning of this video.

Here's a bonus video where they do some handstand break dance moves

3 months

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

Some inspiration for you!

The Fat Free Runner:

This guy might not be huge but he's still visibly quite fat and he can do all sorts of crazy flips and acrobatic stuff. Very cool and inspiring, highly recommend checking him out.

But if you wanna see someone that people here would actually consider fat, I'm talking the 300lbs+ sizes, look no further than Heavy Weight Musik

These guys are MASSIVE and check out the handstand flip they do near the beginning of this video.

Here's a bonus video where they do some handstand break dance moves

I want to add:
3 months
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