Lifestyle tips

Maintaining mobility while gaining.

I have dealt with eating disorders before, but they are usually emotionally linked. So the more stable I am, the more stable they are.
I hope that you still find joy in being able to eat and gain!
1 month

Maintaining mobility while gaining.

Oh not to worry.
I'm a big eater anyway and don't care if I gain when a binging spell hits.
I enjoy being fat and made the choice to be this way years ago.
1 month

Maintaining mobility while gaining.

That's the way to go honestly!!
If you aren't having fun through the whole process, then you aren't doing it right!
1 month

Maintaining mobility while gaining.

I was an active gainer for years and stayed around 325lbs for a few years then my long term BF moved out west.
I was bummed to say the least and that is probably when the eating disorders began.
At least thats what my Dr thinks.
Life is good so I don't let it bother me these days
1 month

Maintaining mobility while gaining.

Miss Tiramisu:
I have dealt with eating disorders before, but they are usually emotionally linked. So the more stable I am, the more stable they are.
I hope that you still find joy in being able to eat and gain!

I want to add that while you can safely gain without triggering your ED, it's imperative that your feeder(s) give you the proper support. They need to give you space to enjoy yourself while stepping in as needed.

What that looks like varies from relationship to relationship (even if it's just a feedist relationship). For some, that might mean mixing healthy food with junk food, encouraging light exercise, or occasionally taking breaks.

You seem to be interested in extreme feedism. It's the riskiest kind of feedism, so safeguards are extra important. A good feeder will always keep your well-being in mind, but you also need to advocate for your needs.

I bring this up because it's really common to get lost in hedonism or for one person (often the feeder) to ignore limits.

I'm not saying this to rain on your parade. I hope you get very fat and enjoy yourself. I want you to enjoy your fatness for many years to come.
1 month
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