
Question for skinny people who got fat

I think it really depends on where u start of and also your lifestyle

For me i did not feel it that much in the beginning.
I used to Bé quite sporty and also wore quite loose clothes. When work got more and i excercised less i gained quite a few (20pounds/10kg) i notices that i got a bit bigger but only when my pants did not fit did i really notice thé extent. It is also that i for work wear really loose clothes.

Also when i really felt it when i excercised again and everything just felt heavier, jumping was heavy and i just got quick er out of breath. From that Point on i started noticing more and more. (Belly folding when bending etc)

Anyways eating soo much is great so for now thé trade off is okay i guess
6 months

Question for skinny people who got fat

At 5'9" and 171lbs I only just started to feel a little bit chubby. I used to be 130, next to no body fat. At 150 I could see I had a little body fat, at 160 my tummy was no longer flat, my thighs were a little thicker and softer, I could feel fat in places that never had any.

Now my tummy is definitely a little soft and round, there's a little fat on top of the pecs, thighs have some jiggle (they were always thick and muscular before, so now they're kinda chunky), butt is a bit softer. Instead of seeing my ribs I see a little tiny fat roll on my side. Nothing wild but it's definitely noticeable and I enjoy it.

I used to wear small shirts and 30x30 pants. Now normally wearing 34x30 or 34x32 pants, medium shirts fit well, most small shirts are too tight around the upper body and often too short now.

Physical activity wise it's hard to judge. I haven't done much running lately so it's hard to tell how much slower I am. Walking long distances is fine. Definitely notice the extra weight doing body weight exercises, but I built more muscle too so that offsets it a bit. Definitely going to keep weight training so the weight doesn't get the better of me. Ideally I'll be much stronger in the future.
6 months

Question for skinny people who got fat

Everyone is different so that is a hard question to answer.
6 months

Question for skinny people who got fat

How long did it take to really start feeling the fat and was it something you started noticing right away at the beginning or something you didn’t even notice until your clothes started feeling tight

I dunno if this counts but I first realized I was fat quite early on, and was kinda shocked so it made an impression. When I bent over to look at my bellybutton my belly would form many tiny rolls of fat like an accordion. Then one day I noticed it was just three bigger rolls, sticking out farther too. And not long after that just one big fat pouch with a slight dent around the navel.

I kept a bit of a potbelly always, but my weight stabilized for a long time. I didn't really check or gain or diet intentionally. Then one day I noticed my lower arms were brushing against the sides of my belly as I was walking instead of just hanging by my side without touching my body. I was so turned on I couldn't get home fast enough, weighed myself and then ate so much and so fast I almost made myself sick.
6 months

Question for skinny people who got fat

I was very lean and toned, I first started to notice when shaving chest and stomach. — chest was not as defined, ribs not as visible, and abs softened.

Less noticeable after I had softened a bit, until clothing become tight.
6 months

Question for skinny people who got fat

Took about 15-20 to realize I was getting fat. I can't say it came as a surprise, I knew I had been eating very poorly and not followed a proper schedule. But it really felt good to be 'on the other side', which led me to continue gaining
congratulations on gaining so much weight that's very impressive and very sexy I'd love to fatten you up and spoil you in person
6 months

Question for skinny people who got fat

In my case it seemed just over the weight that they state you are overweight. This is 175 for me and I really noiticed changes when I got past 185. I was pretty consistently 155 -162 for many years. About 10 years ago I found out that I had a fetish for fat. I think I knew it all along but did not realize what it really was. I can thank this site for that! Anyway I went on a short binge and got up to about 170 - about where my 33 inch jeans were getting a bit tight. Did not notice much else. Stopped for a while and then lost the increase. Then the thoughts came back again and this time I went to 180 pounds before going back. At 180 I was in 34 inch jeans but my shirts were pretty much OK - as long as they were mediums! Did not notice much as far as my body is concerned and would not have considered myself fat This last run-up has been different as I am now 196. The 36 inch jeans are now getting tight and my shirts are binding, especially around the arms. When I went past 185, and especially past 190 I could see and feel the differences. I feel the fat under my arms now and they push my arms out just a bit. The tiny belly from before has ballooned into something that pushes out and I feel when I sit down. I am starting to notice a bit of touching of my thighs now. In my case 5 to 10 pounds over your overweight mark. I cannot wonder what "obese" feels like which 210 for me.
6 months

Question for skinny people who got fat

How long did it take to really start feeling the fat and was it something you started noticing right away at the beginning or something you didn’t even notice until your clothes started feeling tight

I feel like now that I’m up about 15lbs you start to feel the extra weight. I can feel the top of my thigh gap closing and even if I suck in I am starting to have a small belly especially if I’ve eaten. I also seem to be eating way more and craving bigger meals. Just tired on clothes because I’m moving and I can’t get most of my jeans and shorts past the middle part of my thighs. I also feel like when you weigh yourself less, when you step on the scale and see the number the next day it’s all more noticeable. But I don’t weigh myself often so it adds to the surprise. Also you can start to notice where you gain first for me it’s ass, thighs, then after it has no where to go boobs then stomach. Though this will probably change after I reach 150
6 months

Question for skinny people who got fat

I still have a hard time registering the weight I've gained. I started out at 120 lbs being 5 ft 2 7 years ago, I've yo-yoed in the years but I'm back at my highest weight at 200 lbs. There are times when I notice different sensations but a lot of the times unless I'm talking to people in a gaining space I still think of myself as being that size. Even outgrowing clothes hasn't hammered it in it just doesn't register even though I've gone from a small short and 30 in pants to a L/XL shirt and 38/40 in pants.

Yep thst never really goes away it just gets bigger lol
6 months

Question for skinny people who got fat

Case in point had to borrow a jacket from a friend and he’s portly but not nearly as big but I couldn’t even get both arms in it, and ir was like a XL I’m closer to a 5xl
6 months
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