So my username is not fat related or feederism related at all, but it does have a bit of a history:
So back in the day when I was a skinny optimistic little fella, I spend a vast majority of my time playing World of Warcraft. One of my oldest characters, who is a druid (essentially nature wielding animal shapeshifter) name is Nymphweed
So in my young innocent mind, I thought my name would be something like this: Nymph = fairies or fae related things and then Weed = nature related
Felt quite fitting
Unfortunately, I got to learn about the term "Nymphomaniac" AKA Sex Obsession if I am not wrong, after people asking me about it
So occassionally people would ask me if I was smoking pot and had a high sex drive randomly. So despite me having a innocent intention with my name, well, it did not come across the way I wanted most of the time in random encounters
The name stuck around for several years and it just became my "online name" among my friends, with most of them I still am good friends with after almost 10 years
Been playing since 2004 and still playing even to this day
Eventually I switched Nymph around to Nymf, as I got a biased big interest in norse mythology, so I gave it a bit of a scandinavian version of it
Now its just my internet name, and hearing my real one sometimes feel wierd as I hear it so rarely these days
I dont live chronically online, but back in the day, being unemployed and living with depression, I very much was. Spent many many hours online and rarely left my house, seeing people and even times where I would go 1-2 days without eating anything due to declining mood
Im in a better place these days and my name continous onwards, with a lot of good memories attached to it, people I met online and it just feels like a part of me
8 months