
When did you notice you had an interest in bigger people or weight gain?

I come from a family with genetics that are made up of heavy set/big boned people, it was normal for me to like bigger bodies no matter the gender or ethnicity. I feel like I think a lot different when it comes to viewing other people. For example a skinny person most likely would find a bigger person “unhealthy”, “non attractive” and “lazy”. Because they’ve either been around slimmer people majority of their life or they just fall into the stereotypic norm. But for me I see it as just another regular person. It didn’t really hit be until I started dating that I’d prefer someone a little chunkier. Not fat, not huge, just someone with more meat on their bones. However I feel my preferences have stopped me from connecting with good people so I’m more open about physical appearance now. As far as my interest in weight gain it all began 12 years ago, and so much has happened in that time span mentally, physically and emotionally. But that’s a topic for another forum.

Discord: blubberbabe
8 months

When did you notice you had an interest in bigger people or weight gain?

Unlike you . I have all body types in my family (thin, skinny, overweight) so I don't think that's where my attraction to bigger men comes from. Even as a child I had a fascination with bigger men. But I can't figure out when or why it started. And, does there need to be a triggering event?

I just think I'm neurologically programmed to be sexually and exclusively attracted to big or big, muscular men. For me, the more mass there is in fat, muscle, width, or height, the better. I can't be sexually attracted to a thin man.

After growing up. I have lots of other new fetishes and kinks which are attached "exclusively" around the same part of the body "the bellies". (thanks internet and TV) Most of these fetishes did not appear during adolescence but rather at the beginning of my twenties. They sometimes simmer for several years in the corner of my mind before germinating and becoming kinks or fetishes.
8 months

When did you notice you had an interest in bigger people or weight gain?

Always like the thought of being bigger. Whether it’s muscle or fat, I like both! Just jumping into gaining and if anybody is looking to encourage or coach a fit to fat transformation, feel free to reach out smiley
8 months

When did you notice you had an interest in bigger people or weight gain?

Middle school I suppose.
I didn't chase boys like some of my GFs.did.
I had one boy ask me to a dance and he was so cute as he asked me I said yes.
I was always skinny in school and this boy was borderline chubby to fat but so adorable.
Dancing a slow dance with him holding me and me feeling his fat belly against me was a great feeling.
Soft and plush like a warm pillow on a winter night.
We actually dated thru most of high school.
He broke up with me because I graduated early @ 17.
8 months

When did you notice you had an interest in bigger people or weight gain?


The Lovely Jazzmine L. 😍😍😍
She was my unofficial girlfriend and the first big girl I ever stepped to. I was 11 and she was 14. It was a torrid spring and summer romance…. Ahhhh ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾
8 months

When did you notice you had an interest in bigger people or weight gain?

As a 12 year old kid, I knew I wanted to be big and I was attracted to heavier women. There were cartoons that ignited something within me to become fat. Back in middle school, I hated to admit I liked certain girls who were bigger, not just cuz they were big. I felt ashamed, cuz society was different beast back then (as many people would know). I’ve always been slim & athletic with a fast metabolism. Watching people around me, celebrities, Early YouTube BBW models, and cartoon characters grow; It just did something to me.

As I now am approaching 32 next year, my lifestyle has drastically changed. I replaced a lot of habits with eating. My metabolism can no longer burn off the fat like it used to. I can gain the lost weight back super easily now. I can honestly say I am in love with my sedentary lifestyle. I finally scored another desk job and managed to maintain my gains and build my finances. The last step now is find a new social circle who are bigger than me to help me transition completely. 

Overall, my 12 year old self would be proud of me today and say you shoulda bulked up quicker in your life. 300lbs here I come!

It's incredible how many people saw their fetishes and kinks born because of innocent cartoons they saw during their childhood. Cartoons should never be underestimated. They can wreak havoc on children's minds 😆
8 months

When did you notice you had an interest in bigger people or weight gain?

Middle school I suppose.
I didn't chase boys like some of my GFs.did.
I had one boy ask me to a dance and he was so cute as he asked me I said yes.
I was always skinny in school and this boy was borderline chubby to fat but so adorable.
Dancing a slow dance with him holding me and me feeling his fat belly against me was a great feeling.
Soft and plush like a warm pillow on a winter night.
We actually dated thru most of high school.
He broke up with me because I graduated early @ 17.

It,s so cool.
8 months