I come from a family with genetics that are made up of heavy set/big boned people, it was normal for me to like bigger bodies no matter the gender or ethnicity. I feel like I think a lot different when it comes to viewing other people. For example a skinny person most likely would find a bigger person “unhealthy”, “non attractive” and “lazy”. Because they’ve either been around slimmer people majority of their life or they just fall into the stereotypic norm. But for me I see it as just another regular person. It didn’t really hit be until I started dating that I’d prefer someone a little chunkier. Not fat, not huge, just someone with more meat on their bones. However I feel my preferences have stopped me from connecting with good people so I’m more open about physical appearance now. As far as my interest in weight gain it all began 12 years ago, and so much has happened in that time span mentally, physically and emotionally. But that’s a topic for another forum.
Discord: blubberbabe
Discord: blubberbabe
8 months