
When you were smaller, did you get envious of bigger bodies or wish you had someone’s body?

Is it a normal to be envious of bigger people when you first start your journey of gaining. I’m not trying to go full throttle and gain really fast. If I can gain 30 pounds in a year that would be great. But I don’t want to be too drastic, I want to enjoy the gain. Then I see bigger people and want it now!!
2 months

When you were smaller, did you get envious of bigger bodies or wish you had someone’s body?

Yes! Whenever I see guys who are bigger than me and look the way I want to the drive to just push myself to gain as fast as possible skyrockets. I feel like it's more intense as I've gotten a taste of being bigger too. It makes it feel like it's so much closer than when I was thinking even though there's still a lot of weight to get to where I want to be.
2 months

When you were smaller, did you get envious of bigger bodies or wish you had someone’s body?

I even get envious of women. Their bodies are just so beautiful!! Sounds weird but I wish I could gain in the place women do!!
2 months