
Feeding for strength

We've been eating a high protein and very high animal fat diet with near zero carbs for over a year now.

I lost my love handles and dropped a pant size with noticeable gains in muscle definition. My wife is still enormous however her belly, ass, and thighs have softened dramatically. I absolutely love how her body feels in this state. She loves that I'm back to my early-20s physique.

We both recently had body composition scans performed. Our body fat is almost all subcutaneous; both of us had less then 1.3 lb visceral fat. Her numbers indicate health nearly equal to mine despite being over 100 lbs heavier. Neither of us take any meds.

It's certainly possible to be both heavy and healthy. Eating only high quality natural foods plays a major role.

The part about the low visceral fat is interesting. Some people have speculated that carbs are more likely to turn to visceral fat than excess calories from other sources since they have to be converted in the liver. I don't know it's actually true.
9 months

Feeding for strength

The part about the low visceral fat is interesting. Some people have speculated that carbs are more likely to turn to visceral fat than excess calories from other sources since they have to be converted in the liver. I don't know it's actually true.

You could be spot on about this.

We started with keto two years ago then did away with the plant based items early last year. Our doctor recommends visceral fat be under 1lb for optimal health.

The downside to a zero-plant based, high protein and animal fat diet, from the perspective of this community, potentially would be an eventual inability to maintain one's desired level of obesity.
9 months

Feeding for strength

I am!
3 months

Feeding for strength

My philosophy behind it leans a lot towards health maintenance as best possible. I don't normally look for overly muscular gains, but I am quite open to it. I've found a lot of "Thick fit" women attractive like powerlifters and even some bodybuilders (generally those closer to mass than lean composition).

If anything it might coalesce well with my own goals of getting into serious shape.
3 months

Feeding for strength

Fat people are usually strong from moving their large bodies around, but tend to lack endurance. Its more impressive if they can do 5 pushups than that I can do 50, mines just cardio because I'm light, they might be pressing 2-3x my weight.

I prefer when a feedee exercises to stay healthy, they usually grow faster as a side effect. Exercise increases appetite and makes your body more efficient at using calories, specifically cardio. I read a study that showed it encourages growth of capillaries deep into fatty tissue. This can work against weight loss because if you have quicker access to fat stores but are in calorie surplus, you store excess ingested fat in your soft areas instead of around organs, which is actually healthier for your body in the long run.

The initial weightloss that can happen with a feedee is from losing organ fat, which prevents or reverses prediabetes sinces its the first stuff to get utilized. Making them healthier and more insulin sensitive, more able to store and use fat.

Kelly Kay famously used light cardio in the form of walking to get over a plateau back in the day when she was around 500lbs. She didn't gain weight at first, lost a few pounds, then suddenly started piling on the pounds. You can probably expect something similar if you are using exercise toward the same end.

A 10-15 minute walk should be enough to trigger this effect. Exercise doesnt need to be intense.

Just keeping a feedee from falling into the laziness is good, but voluntarily strength training is the ideal, they move like their weight doesn't affect them and have less health problems than sedentary thin people (based on a research paper and personal experience).

Also I'm biased because strongfat types are hot. It took me a long time to realize that all the feedees with a nice shape were shaped by the muscles under their fat.
3 months

Feeding for strength

Also as a gainer who's trying to put on muscle and fat ( maybe a bit more fat than muscle) it kinda just helps balance out your physique. Like my body fat primarily goes to my gut, and I don't want to be walking around with chicken legs. Having some amount of arm and leg muscles just feels more aesthetic. Like you're curvy all around and not just in your belly
3 months
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