
How to deal with weak guts

Usually try to stuff on weekends but how does one do it without destroying the ass or vomiting all night .-. I was so proud of myself for managing 6000 kcal highscore and now mourning over lost effort smiley

I should maybe shoot for consistent 4k instead when im ready again...
1 month

How to deal with weak guts

Usually try to stuff on weekends but how does one do it without destroying the ass or vomiting all night .-. I was so proud of myself for managing 6000 kcal highscore and now mourning over lost effort smiley

I should maybe shoot for consistent 4k instead when im ready again...

Stop going balls to the walls insane and focus on what is reasonable for you. You can work up to 6k over time.
1 month

How to deal with weak guts

Stop going balls to the walls insane and focus on what is reasonable for you. You can work up to 6k over time.

Thanks man
1 month

How to deal with weak guts

Mix in a round of healthy fiber (oatmeal, salad) to make things easier later, and dramamine or ginger tea to help with nausea.
1 month

How to deal with weak guts

I'm not sure what your diet is like on these 6k days, but I have found when I'm eating way too much fat, I get negative symptoms. Fat and especially dairy fat requires our gall bladder to produce bile in order to break down and be digested, and not enough bile will cause inflammation and other symptoms like you've described. I have pulled away from ice cream, except in moderation, and felt a lot better. I recommend getting more calories from carbs and staying very well hydrated as you gradually increase your calorie intake.
2 weeks