Submission and domination

Unorthodox feminization

Happened to stumble across this. Very hot 🌋! As a fat man with a fat wife I can appreciate how my body has become more “feminine” over the years as I have gained weight. Although gaining weight has not made my wife more masculine, it has made our bodies more similar, almost like we are now a third gender “fat sexual”.

I am glad you found something in it that resonated with you!

Personally I have always associated softness and jiggly flesh with femininity, but I understand what you mean.
4 months

Unorthodox feminization

Happened to stumble across this. Very hot 🌋! As a fat man with a fat wife I can appreciate how my body has become more “feminine” over the years as I have gained weight. Although gaining weight has not made my wife more masculine, it has made our bodies more similar, almost like we are now a third gender “fat sexual”.

I am glad you found something in it that resonated with you!

Personally I have always associated softness and jiggly flesh with femininity, but I understand what you mean.

I think that androgyny is a better fit that "fat sexual", but that my own two cents.

That said, it's interesting how gaining weight encourages people to explore their gender. Think it's pretty neat.
4 months

Unorthodox feminization

I think that androgyny is a better fit that "fat sexual", but that my own two cents.

That said, it's interesting how gaining weight encourages people to explore their gender. Think it's pretty neat.

That’s an interesting thought. It could have to do with fat kind of covering up some of the more obvious physical gender differences. A large fat pad can hide a fat man’s primary sex organ completely and his chest fat can give him larger breasts than some women have. Similarly a fat woman can lose some more pronounced feminine shapes due to sagging fat. This does not make fat people less attractive.
4 months

Unorthodox feminization

I think that androgyny is a better fit that "fat sexual", but that my own two cents.

That said, it's interesting how gaining weight encourages people to explore their gender. Think it's pretty neat.

That’s an interesting thought. It could have to do with fat kind of covering up some of the more obvious physical gender differences. A large fat pad can hide a fat man’s primary sex organ completely and his chest fat can give him larger breasts than some women have. Similarly a fat woman can lose some more pronounced feminine shapes due to sagging fat. This does not make fat people less attractive.

This term is known as "androgyny". In other words, there's a mix of masculine and feminine traits.

I don't see this desire very often from women and femmes. But I see it a lot with the cis male crowd. There are scores of forum posts talking about how much they love how more feminine the look. However, most of these aren't interested in becoming women or being more feminine in general.

This leads me to believe what they are more interested in is androgyny and not femininity. Indeed, once you get a certain size, it's harder to tell what gender you are unless you dress a certain way. It's a size mile marker for a lot of men.

Of course, there are men who have feminization kinks as well as fat kinks. This is an entirely different kettle of fish.
4 months

Unorthodox feminization

I always love seeing this thread bumped. Do you have any updates? Are you still forcing him to finger his clit?
4 months

Unorthodox feminization

I always love seeing this thread bumped. Do you have any updates? Are you still forcing him to finger his clit?

Well another year has passed more or less, so I can definitely provide an update...

My fella hasn't gained a lot of weight though in the last year. He gained some, but recently he lost some due to illness. But he is still plenty fat at around 450 lbs. His mobility has been reduced a little due to some minor injuries, though, which is the biggest change. He really struggles with reaching his penis at this point, so fingering is the most he can manage usually, and that is uncomfortable for him. So most of his pleasuring comes in two ways:

First, being penetrated. (I'm sure you can use your imagination for this one!)

Second, me performing oral on him, as I've described previously in this thread.

Every single time I kiss (or lick) his clit and he orgasms, I am capturing his cum in my mouth as I described earlier in this thread, and then I feed it back to him. We've done this sooo many times now, it just makes me laugh. He has swallowed so much of his own cum after hundreds and hundreds of these sessions! It's just hilarious! I like to tease him that drinking his own cum is the reason that he's such a fatty and can't seem to stop growing fatter.

There is another fun side effect to this regimen. Because he's gone so long without jerking off the traditional way, the few times I've actually grabbed the shaft of his penis (which is still buried deep in his fupa fat), it drives him absolutely wild. His shaft has become so sensitive to touch, it's crazy!

So as an update, we're still having fun with fatboy's feminization. Every now and then I like to enhance the feeling by shaving his body. He's even worn some makeup a couple of times, and it looks really fabulous on him, I think!
3 months

Unorthodox feminization

Amazing story, loving the updates
1 month

Unorthodox feminization

Amazing story, loving the updates

Thanks! I wish I had something entertaining to add, but I don't. We've both been busy with work, so while we still find time to have fun together, lately we've been pretty lazy about it.

Too lazy, apparently. We're both up about 20 lbs in the last couple of months!
2 weeks
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