Extreme obesity

How fat is "too fat"?

I don't have a fat fetish and fantasize about being fatter like you seem to have.
I was already heavy and dealing with compulsive eating disorder and the extra 125 pounds wasn't really a welcome thing.
I would be happy to be around 300 pounds and stay there.
Being 360 is way better for me than 425 is all I can say.
3 years

How fat is "too fat"?

To me there is no limit. I would love to feed someone to 2000 pounds someday, but that may not be possible
3 years

How fat is "too fat"?

I know there are more 1000 plus individuals then recorded history is aware of. Every feedee I have ever met wants to stay out of the eye of the media. It’s not common, unfortunately, but 1000 can happen
3 years

How fat is "too fat"?

For a fully dependent feedee, what do you feed them? Do you try to keep them in a sleepy, and relaxed state, like a food coma? I would think that this would be very beneficial for both yourself and your feedee.
3 years

How fat is "too fat"?

425 lbs was when I reach the point I was too fat.
Things that were easy to do became very hard to do.
Things like tying your shoe laces,walking up stairs, getting in and out of your car.
When it came to the point I had to sit in a chair just to unload my clothes dryer I decided I needed to lose some weight.

I know this feeling all too well. 460 was my limit. My knees started to hurt and I had to start cooking while on a stool and that's when I knew that I had to get a hold on this.
2 years

How fat is "too fat"?

460lb is an important weight to lift indeed. Im With à friend which help me a lot in my day, so it unlocked my physical limit. When i was alone, i was obliged to maintian a good mobility like for cleaning house or just take à bath normaly. I found my limit around 210kg, higher is complex. Now with my friend which take care of home and cooking, i was able with his accord to gain à bit more.
1 month

How fat is "too fat"?

I have no concept of having too much weight. I just enjoy the idea of growing bigger, in particular when I see people that are bigger than me, I just want their size on me. I will do most things to enable my gaining. My short term limit is my job and travel in cars and planes. I think either may limit me in the next year or so. When I can retire and avoid such stuff, then it will be my body’s ability handle it without serious issue. I think needing oxygen would be a bit far. Given that I would try and get as big as possible. Loss of mobility does not bother me that much, going out is over rated. Like most here a feeder to enjoy the journey would help a lot.
1 month

How fat is "too fat"?

After losing some weight and becoming a bit more active and realizing I was in quite a bit of pain and struggling quite a bit I’m comfortable hovering around in the 390 - 440 range, I just think I’m going to fluctuate so long as have the job I do. Lighter in the summer, blimp mode in the winter lol
1 month

How fat is "too fat"?

Well in the context of one's fantasies I'd say there's almost no limit. However, if we're talking realistically then I'd say that struggling to walk/trouble breathing or abnormal heartbeat is for me the limit. I would want my girlfriend to be happy with me in a relationship, not use her body for my own lustful desires.
1 month

How fat is "too fat"?

For me, I would guess somewhere in the 500s is where I'd have to be sitting most of the time. 600s for not doing housework, even occasionally. So I'd say somewhere in there.
1 month
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