
Time for a change…

Hi everyone, I’m Amira 23F, I was recently diagnosed with heart failure. I’ve been gaining weight for nearly 12+ years for my own pleasure and I could go on and on about the many things I’ve experienced during the time. There’s so much to express but I’d be here for hours.. what I’m trying to say is although I am facing something that may Postpone me from reaching my true potential I still want something to look forward to at the end of the day. Where do I begin? What do I do to remain joyful and hopeful? I’m not sure but, I know things will get better over time.

Discord: blubberbabe

You might benefit from a therapist if you are feeling this way.
1 month

Time for a change…

Thanks for your comment. I am in therapy and I should bring it up at my next meeting.
1 month

Time for a change…

Hi everyone, I’m Amira 23F, I was recently diagnosed with heart failure. I’ve been gaining weight for nearly 12+ years for my own pleasure and I could go on and on about the many things I’ve experienced during the time. There’s so much to express but I’d be here for hours.. what I’m trying to say is although I am facing something that may Postpone me from reaching my true potential I still want something to look forward to at the end of the day. Where do I begin? What do I do to remain joyful and hopeful? I’m not sure but, I know things will get better over time.

Discord: blubberbabe

Uhm, could i ask you a few, mostly phylosophical, things?
1 month