
What brought about your fat fetish and when?

I do enjoy reading people's villain origin stories ;-)

Here's mine, copy-pasted from another similar thread and lightly edited:

I was a fat kid and a "healthy eater". Like, my earliest memories are feeling nice and full and stuffing pillows under my top to make my tummy stick out even more.

Once everyone stopped finding me cute, I got put on a diet... with limited success as I'd still spend holidays at my grandparents, and they let me eat whatever, and let me sneak sweets on the side even though they said they shouldn't and my mother wouldn't like it. Anyway, I usually came home with a bigger tummy than when I left, and then got put on a strict diet.

But one year I must have gained more than usual or maybe just seeing me stick out my belly unexpectedly did it - anyway, my mother had come to pick me up, and I'd just run up to use the bathroom after lunch before we drove home...

I've always loved feeling full and I had a habit of petting my big round tummy. although I was self-conscious enough at that point to only do it when no one was looking. So like I said, I came out the bathroom upstairs, thinking everyone was downstairs. I was feeling nice and full and round so I had my shirt tucked up under my chin still and was sticking out my naked tum and rubbing it with both hands and admiring how round and soft it felt...

...when i heard my mother cry: "Heavens how on earth did you get such a big gut!" She'd come up to see what was taking me so long and I hadn't noticed...

Then she made me show my gran, lift up my shirt again and all, and said: "Would you just look at that big belly? Do you realize how FAT it is?"

She must have been completely shocked because she usually avoided calling me fat under any circumstances, she knew all the euphemisms in the book. I got a very long speech about how worried she was about me, and if there was a reason why I was eating so much on the ride home, and I was soooooooo embarrassed all I did was try and hide my tummy with my arms and suck it in, I could barely listen to her.

Well that did it. Ever since I've been both embarrassed but also insanely turned on by my fat tummy. Not even getting fat all over or gaining - really just feeling how big and round my belly is, and eating - overeating - to make it even bigger and rounder.

Like, nothing triggers the urge to gorge as much as feeling a bit bloated or noticing my tummy is a bit bigger than usual. And even when I see another fatty with a nice sexy belly, I want to feel mine, rub it, poke it, and fill it up till it hurts.
2 months

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

i feel like it has always been there. I remember playing Fat Princess on the PS3 and couldnt understand it was making me feel some kind of way.
2 months

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

From a very young age I would put stuff toys, clothes,towels anything that could make me feel and look fat. I was very young probably 5. Then as I got older I would find the girls in school who we’re getting chubby to be attractive, most specifically the ones who were skinny the year before. I went in from there. I really think we’re born with it. I was far to young when it started to be any other reason
2 months

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

Weird Als Fat definert played a part. But primarily it came from me being sick of always beeing the skinniest person in the room. Like I have been called twig more times than anything else
2 months

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

I’ve always been insecure about my looks, though tbh I’m not bad looking. I’m short, fat, bald (shaved), and bearded. Think of Jason Alexander with a beard and shaved bald.

Nevertheless there are/were always other guys I wanted to look like. For example, I’d go crazy trying to find a shirt I saw a guy wearing, whom I was turned on by or wanted to look like.

There was a fat Hispanic guy named Hector I worked with at a school. He was a custodian, I was the IT guy. I swear I was in love with him. I’d fantasize about being with him. I still do. He was probably the first fat guy I was attracted to.

I unintentionally started putting on weight. I saw myself in a mirror in a department store and actually liked what I saw. I wavered back and forth about gaining and losing, I went up, I went down, I went up again, down again, rinse and repeat. Now however, I’m on my way up again. I’m 218, 5’5ish”, size 44-46 waist pants. I think about getting to at least 250-260. My fantasy is 300 lbs and size 49-50 pants.
1 month

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

I think it was always in me, but truly awakened in me when a girl I talked to moved back home from out of state and she over doubled her weight. I hadn't seen her in a while and didn't recognize her at first. She went from around 140lbs to well over 280 lbs in a little over a year. I don't think she has this fetish, but I also never asked. We weren't compatible, so it didn't work out but she left an impression on me.
1 month

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

This is so embarrassing, but the weight gain scene from Disney’s The Princess and The Frog. I was so young, and just watching that whole thing made my heart flutter. Every time my family watched it I have to excuse myself and just sit in the bathroom until the scene was over since I’d get so embarrassed over how excited I got from it. That and this was the height of weight gain stories in cartoons only fueled this feeling even more ♡♡♡
1 month

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

I'm not entirely sure where it started. Somewhere in the transition from Middle to High School, just seeing some girls gain weight over a few years and getting some incredible curves and proportions that I couldn't believe went unappreciated.
1 month

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

I always knew. It's some of my earliest memories that I can recall. I've always been interested and attracted to fat people.
1 month

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

I used to wonder how it started, but everytime i think about an example i end up thinking about an even earlier one that proved that the interest was always there, seeing fat people in public as a teen, earlier than that seeing the movie heavyweights, earlier than that seeing the pete scene in the goofy movie, even earlier than that seeing the jokes about barney the dinosaur being fat, i assume it was always there
1 month
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