Fat experiences

You know you're fat when...

not me but when my ex bruised her chin, her sister jokinly said thats ok cuz she has 2
1 year

You know you're fat when...

...wwhen you go to a restaurant and the hostess seats you at a booth, but when you go to get it in you can't fit cause your belly's too big and you have to ask for a table. Then you realize you like the attention and start asking for booths all the time!
1 year

You know you're fat when...

When your belly is so big, you can't touch your belly button when sitting down.
2 weeks

You know you're fat when...

When your "fat cousin" comes to visit and she has lost 190 lbs and now weighs 110 lbs and you used to be 300 lbs last time you saw her and now weigh 448 lbs.
She had to snap a few pics and email them to her husband.
2 weeks

You know you're fat when...

When your "fat cousin" comes to visit and she has lost 190 lbs and now weighs 110 lbs and you used to be 300 lbs last time you saw her and now weigh 448 lbs.
She had to snap a few pics and email them to her husband.

448. You are Wow! My Good Friend.
2 weeks

You know you're fat when...

Thanks Jazz.
Up 10 down 10 seems to be normal for me.
I feel huge lets just say that LOL
2 weeks

You know you're fat when...

When you´re happy that you didn´t bought the `normal´scale that only can handle 330lbs.
4 pounds more and it would not work.
4 days

You know you're fat when...

You need to catch your breath after having walked just a few hundred yards 😅
4 days

You know you're fat when...

Having my hubby come shopping with me more often this summer as I don’t want to park and walk from the parking lot. Love being dropped off at the door!
3 days

You know you're fat when...

...you kinda rebound back away from the counter after you step up to it.
3 days
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