
Best way to record tummy noises?

Like, what microphone should i use and where should i put It or if there are some tipa about recording a stuffed tummy noises
1 month

Best way to record tummy noises?

Secret Gainer:
Like, what microphone should i use and where should i put It or if there are some tipa about recording a stuffed tummy noises

I think that placing the earphones of your phone against your stomach is enough to get a stomach gurgling sound. Obviously, the phone must be in video mode.

Me too I love belly gurgles noise 🤤
1 month

Best way to record tummy noises?

Oh, why should It be recording a video and not a voice message? Is recording the audio trough video Better?
1 month

Best way to record tummy noises?

I think both must work well.
1 month

Best way to record tummy noises?

Alrighty! Thank you so much!
1 month