
Question for the burp/fart enthusiasts

I've been curious about this for a while, and since I don't know anyone into it IRL, I figured it'd be easier to find some answers here.

What is the aspect of gas that burp/fart enthusiasts find attractive? Is it the release of pressure? Smell? The societal implications? Some other factor?

As I mentioned, I'm genuinely curious, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
3 months

Question for the burp/fart enthusiasts

I’m not a fart enthusiast or a fart huffer but I can imagine it’s similar to feelings of letting oneself go/seeing someone letting themselves go, like all things kink I’m sure there’s multiple reasons that might not be explainable
3 months

Question for the burp/fart enthusiasts

I've been curious about this for a while, and since I don't know anyone into it IRL, I figured it'd be easier to find some answers here.

What is the aspect of gas that burp/fart enthusiasts find attractive? Is it the release of pressure? Smell? The societal implications? Some other factor?

As I mentioned, I'm genuinely curious, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

For me it’s the pressure of the gas and the smell. Especially if someone fat is sitting on me
3 months

Question for the burp/fart enthusiasts

I've been curious about this for a while, and since I don't know anyone into it IRL, I figured it'd be easier to find some answers here.

What is the aspect of gas that burp/fart enthusiasts find attractive? Is it the release of pressure? Smell? The societal implications? Some other factor?

As I mentioned, I'm genuinely curious, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

I enjoy stuffed belly burps. Anything else isn't interesting to me.

For me, it's all about the gluttony. I love it when my partner is beached by his overstuffed belly, gasping for breath, and desperately belching for relief.

It's a good.

It's also nigh when he is comfortably stuffed and sleepy. Rubbing his belly to help him digest, a few burps here and there, and then off to la la land. It's all about the decadence, gluttony,and hedonism for me.

Not into farts tho. Someone else will have to speak on that.
3 months

Question for the burp/fart enthusiasts

Never in my life did I think I'd be into burping and farting. Then I fell in love with a woman who's really confident, hungry, and prepared to gain as much weight as practically possible. Her belches and farts are to me like a sign of her pride, vigor... and appetite.

I've noticed the tone of her farts has changed as she's gained more than 150 pounds with my feeding and encouragement. They used to be light and dainty, but now they sound sloppy and squelchy. Not that she's slobby or dirty. Her farts literally don't even smell. It's just that she's become so huge and flabby that her rear end just QUAKES when she breaks wind. She's not even ashamed, in fact I'll mock her farting sounds and make her laugh.

Her burps on the other hand are high-pitched and feminine sounding. It's adorable.
3 months

Question for the burp/fart enthusiasts

I like burps, but I agree with munchies that stuffed belly burps are best. The hiccuping and burping from an overstuffed belly, the sighs of relief, the gurgling sounds, etc. I think it's partly knowing what gluttony brought it on. Also, like wifestuffer said, the confidence of a woman to just belch out loud is kind of sexy in itself. Having someone burp right in your face, so close you can smell it, is basically an act of dominance.
As far as farts, i'd only be interested in it if it's brought on by extreme stuffing, or maybe intentionally eating way too much of something with the intent to cause bloating, gas, and discomfort.
Overall, i'd say for most of us who have any interest in it, these are tangential fetishes. Not primary, but still related to feedism.
3 months

Question for the burp/fart enthusiasts

I'm into the former, and to me it's all about the meaning of it. I like them if they come from a fat dude eating or drinking.

When I see gainer videos that meet the criteria, what passes inside my brain are these thoughts: "Holy shit, this guy is so big that he put all of that down and his stomach NEEDS to aliviate the pressure, but damn, he keeps pushing throught the belches, and everything he's gulping down will make him even fatter, god". It just clicks with me.

I take the chance to mention a youtube channel of this kind: Flipadelphia. (Formely known as Collegegut). His videos feature tons of burping. He seems to dissapear for long periods of time, but his content is so, so good. Plus he blew up during quarantine.
3 months

Question for the burp/fart enthusiasts

Okay, so curiously enough, I have a bit of an update to share!

You see, I've been experimenting with air inflation, through swallowing air and recently with a ball pump. And I noticed that the monstrous burps I'd let out after swallowing a crap ton of air felt sooo gooood🥵

And the effect was even better with the ball pump! Just the feeling of relief from farting out the excess air felt amazing!

So yeah, I definitely can see the appeal now!
1 week

Question for the burp/fart enthusiasts

I don't like farts. But I love burps. I don't even know why, I find the sound of a burp beastly and rude, but very sexy at the same time. Especially a deep burp with a low, viscous, loud and sudden sound. So seeing a big man burp always turns me on. There is a relaxed side to a big loud burp, but also something shameless and uninhibited. A big man burping in public and not caring about the gaze of men is really sexy to me. And then it reminds me of stuffing myself and having a full belly. Plus, I love burps in vore. But the sound alone to me is sexy and masculine.

Oh yeah and there's a feeder/feedee who sends me his burps in vocal on instagram because he knows I love it. I don't know how to take it. But it's funny anyway.
21 hours