
Free compliments - no strings attached

Love your Bakugo pfp! My fav is All for One! I love villains!!

Sweet - thanks! PLUS ULTRA!!!

Always puts a smile on my face when I meet another MHA fan! As a lifelong fan of superheroes, anime, and high-quality storytelling, I have to say that it's one of my favorite all-time stories.

All for One is such an awesome villain - you have great taste. I feel that the strength of the writing of his character is one of the reasons why the story is so good! A hero is only as compelling as his nemesis, and All For One is up there with the best baddies!
21 hours

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This is a very beautiful intention. There should be more people like you on this planet. 😉👍

Thanks! For that nice compliment, you get a Follow and a virtual hug.

By the way - you have some great video content on here! I love the concept of filming with the drawing model - it's completely unique and it totally captures the spirit of getting engulfed by a massive squishy belly! Thanks for sharing your art with us!
20 hours

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Just got over having some health issues which caused me to put on about 60-80 pounds over a year and a half. Trying to figure out if I lose or keep it but I can honestly say from being sick for so long I can honestly say that I love food. But the same time not sure if I want to lose the weight when I probably should but hell might as well enjoy being the new bigger and happier but at squishy me. But I am not sure I feel about it at the same time.
10 hours

Free compliments - no strings attached

Just got over having some health issues which caused me to put on about 60-80 pounds over a year and a half. Trying to figure out if I lose or keep it but I can honestly say from being sick for so long I can honestly say that I love food. But the same time not sure if I want to lose the weight when I probably should but hell might as well enjoy being the new bigger and happier but at squishy me. But I am not sure I feel about it at the same time.

I'm so glad that you are feeling better and that your healing has helped you overcome whatever you were sick with. Congratulations, friend!

Keep the weight, lose it, or gain some more - all is good as far as I'm concerned. The fact that you've overcome a long term illness is a cause to celebrate!
9 hours
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