Fat experiences

Have you ever gotten off simply by playing with your belly?

Indeed I have!

I find that whenever my belly is empty, I love to see how much it jiggles!

And when it's super full(either from a stuffing or air swallowing session), I love to press my hand against it to see how tight it is!
3 weeks

Have you ever gotten off simply by playing with your belly?

Yes, I find my fat (and that of my wife 5'0" / 190 pounds) very sensuous. Hoping my thighs and legs will fill out further as well. Happy so far with belly, moobs, back and sides.
3 weeks

Have you ever gotten off simply by playing with your belly?

Yes, once or twice 🤭
3 weeks

Have you ever gotten off simply by playing with your belly?

I don't know about getting off while doing it but there is no greater feeling than playing with and caressing my big fat belly
3 weeks

Have you ever gotten off simply by playing with your belly?

I haven’t but I hope at some time I can. I’m trying to learn to c*m by playing with my nips, but no luck yet. I would love to be sitting on traffic, for example, rub my belly and c*m in my skivvies.
3 weeks

Have you ever gotten off simply by playing with your belly?

Do I like it?

Of course I do.

I can sometimes make my stomach gurgle on command and it turns me on. The sound of the stomach gurgling reminds me of a burp. It's really nice to listen to.

I've also made a lot of macro/squish videos where I crush a miniature human figurine with my belly. (I won't hide from you that my dream would be to be this figurine crushed under a big giant belly) These videos are posted on my profile, And I've also made some vore videos, but also videos, of belly shaking, burping, belly gurgling.

I managed to get my face crushed twice under a big hairy belly thanks to the grommr site. And I'm happy about that
21 hours

Have you ever gotten off simply by playing with your belly?

Yes. I love prodding my belly, like I'm testing how fat I have gotten, and remind myself how round and well-fed I look. I also enjoy using a measuring tape, which I recommend for everyone.
16 hours
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