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14 hours


I think there is quite a paradox here. If you want friends here, in the majority of interactions it seems that basically kink talk / sexchat is needed, otherwise the interaction will not last a few minutes! Which means its really hard to have an interaction that will satisfy needs, other that sexual ones.
(here i dont even consider people who will ask you for money as these are generaly speaking not very genuine interactions when they appear as something other than that)

I have more bad news, unfortunately. As our society develops the way it does, it appears that less and less people are interested in anything other than what maximizes shallow satisfactions. (You can feel the pleasure of an orgasm the moment you have it, unlike having a long discussion about an interesting topic only to reach at the very end a satisfying conclusion, after all)
Also Narcissism is a huge trend, with possibly up to 50%, maybe more, of the population (at least in the USA) being Narcissists to the point that it is dangerous for your mental health to interact with them.

But nontheless there are good people out there. Its hard to find them, but there are!

As far as im concerned about discord servers, the one that is most likely unfamiliar to you, is one that had to do with a community called "Hang Gang" which had been created by Feemalefeederheaven. They had a discord, but i think it has been deleted since. Or maybe i was kicked out but i really doubt that. FFH herself told me that she had abandoned that community because it grew too much for its own good (basically it was too big to moderate it).

Anyways, thats not super helpfull i guess but it’s what piece of knowledge i can offer.

I understand all that and agree how things have gotten, especially in the USA. I think a lot of it has to do with younger generations that didn’t grow up with the basic websites and old school forums. Everything needs to happen within the time of a TikTok.

I’m just looking for a kink server that cares about interaction as much or equal to dating channels, etc. It can be hard because I’m a married woman and want to explore my kink, so it is pretty difficult right now.
13 hours
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