Fat experiences

So *that's* where the weight came from...

The past few days have been interesting...


“You need to add more rice to the bowls, or you’re going to be hungry by the time work is over...”


2 donuts at work

2 leftover

3 extra

6 apple fruit bites 90 cal

6 cherry fruit bites 80 cal


at a birthday party

8: “What kind of ice cream do you want?”

“Some of each (neapolitan).”

a giant scoop on a small party plate later…

8: “You might have to get another plate for your cake...”


Cashier: “Do you want a free chocolate bar?”

Me: “Yes.”

Cashier: “With rice or (I forget the other)”

Me: “Rice.”

Cashier: “Here you go…”

5.6 oz. 5 servings at 150 cal

It has a tag where you can take a survey, but nothing was said about that.


“Do you want the rest of this?

Small fry

3 chicken nuggets

small Frosty


50 tater tots with dinner


“You can have the rest of this… If you don’t want it, just throw it away.”

Small fry

3 chicken nuggets

small Frosty


7 chicken nuggets


3 donuts at work

2 leftover
4 weeks

So *that's* where the weight came from...


2 donuts at work

lunch had about 1.6 lb in it


about 1.4lb of mac and cheese, barbeque chicken, broccoli for lunch

half a small watermelon


1. “What are you having for dinner?

“I was trying to decide between the 2 leftover hot dogs and the rest of the barbeque chicken…”

1. “Or you could have both…”

“I guess there’s not that much chicken leftover…”


chocolate chip cookie sandwich

Lunch this week is chicken stir fry – about 1.4lb in each bowl.

Seems to be two more boxes of pop tarts in the cabinet.


chocolate chip cookie sandwich


donut at work


donut at work
10 hours
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