Story authors

Open invitation to contribute to our new anthology book

I’m interested. I’m slowly adding stuff to FF, so you can see what I already have.

I write SSBHM and prefer dominant feedees, which might be something interesting for the anthology as it isn’t common.

I specialize in horror outside of this community and sometimes it seeps in to certain genres of WG fiction I write, but I can also do something more fun like my story ‘The Wolf’ or domestic fluff.
2 weeks

Open invitation to contribute to our new anthology book

I am also interested. My stories are here. I’d like a chance to edit any of them for this project.
2 weeks

Open invitation to contribute to our new anthology book

Yeah like can you tell us more please
2 weeks

Open invitation to contribute to our new anthology book

We are still looking for authors to contribute, so if this is something you are interested in please get in touch by commenting on the thread or sending me a message.

5 days

Open invitation to contribute to our new anthology book

If you’d like, I’d be happy to write something to contribute!
9 hours
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