It would be awesome to be drugged and fattened up into a huge blob. I my feeder would give appetite stimulants, something to slow my metabolism down and make me sleepy / lazy. I would be like submissive eating machine that didn't have any control and be like a dream / hazy state all the time. Like drifting on a soft cloud without worries, not caring about future and only to have pleasure by eating, stuffing and being full. With would be turning me on because really full belly equals weight gain and this would make me horny.
Especially if this female feeder would be nurse who would weight me, chart my weight gain, take notes + photos and would comment on my weight gain by descripting my body.
Especially if this female feeder would be nurse who would weight me, chart my weight gain, take notes + photos and would comment on my weight gain by descripting my body.
3 months