Fat experiences


I have always been a feeder and into larger women.

Nothing has turned me on more than seeing a slim fit woman turn into a big, thick, luscious curvaceous goddess. Her fitness dissapearing under layers of beautiful, soft fat. Seeing an already beautiful larger woman also add some extra sand to her figure has also been a massive turn on.

However in recent times I have been told by a plethora of people that I myself am remarkably underweight and that I need to thicken up myself.

One person told me that I need my own personal feeder! Another began expressing the changes they would love to see to my body and that it would help me become more attractive. My ex girlfriends have all told me they would love to see a thicker version of me.

Having said that I am at odds whether or not to go down this path.

I'm sure many a person on this forum has been in the same position.

Can anyone offer any form of insight into this
6 months


I have always been a feeder and into larger women.

Nothing has turned me on more than seeing a slim fit woman turn into a big, thick, luscious curvaceous goddess. Her fitness dissapearing under layers of beautiful, soft fat. Seeing an already beautiful larger woman also add some extra sand to her figure has also been a massive turn on.

However in recent times I have been told by a plethora of people that I myself am remarkably underweight and that I need to thicken up myself.

One person told me that I need my own personal feeder! Another began expressing the changes they would love to see to my body and that it would help me become more attractive. My ex girlfriends have all told me they would love to see a thicker version of me.

Having said that I am at odds whether or not to go down this path.

I'm sure many a person on this forum has been in the same position.

Can anyone offer any form of insight into this

I tend to see thin men as delicate. It's like if I'm too rough, I could accidentally break them.

This has not happened, but they do not like it when I pick them up and hold them like a princess.

That said, if you really are underweight, you should put on some weight for health reasons. I used to be underweight. Gaining was the best thing for me. I stopped being cold all the time, I didn't get sick as often, and putting on muscle has made me a power house.

It's great.

You don't need to be fat, but at least on enough to be in the healthy BMI range.

Your bio says you are 123 lbs and 6'2". I am 5'7". I could princess carry you. My biceps are more than likely double yours. I do not say this to mock you. Rather, I am pointing out the severity of the problem.

You need a nutritionist, not a feeder. If you are more than likely missing huge swaths of nutrients and are probably at risk or have health issues from these deficiencies.
6 months


I was incredibly skinny once. Growing fatter has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I’m so much more confident now.

That being said, it’s your body. No one can tell you what you should do with it.
6 months


I wanna be carried like a princess 🥺
6 months


Learn to let go and add some weight and see how you like it.
Do it for yourself.
20 or 30 more lbs isn't the end of the world and you just might find out you feel a lot stronger and healthier.
If others have said you should put on some weight maybe you should.
6 months


Morbidly A Beast:
I wanna be carried like a princess 🥺

I'll put on 200 lbs of muscle just for you, lol
6 months


I have always been a feeder and into larger women.

Nothing has turned me on more than seeing a slim fit woman turn into a big, thick, luscious curvaceous goddess. Her fitness dissapearing under layers of beautiful, soft fat. Seeing an already beautiful larger woman also add some extra sand to her figure has also been a massive turn on.

However in recent times I have been told by a plethora of people that I myself am remarkably underweight and that I need to thicken up myself.

One person told me that I need my own personal feeder! Another began expressing the changes they would love to see to my body and that it would help me become more attractive. My ex girlfriends have all told me they would love to see a thicker version of me.

Having said that I am at odds whether or not to go down this path.

I'm sure many a person on this forum has been in the same position.

Can anyone offer any form of insight into this

Same her! And recently I appreciate the offer and start eating extra to please my friends so I got thicker. And man, that feels so good!
6 months


I have always been a feeder and into larger women.

Nothing has turned me on more than seeing a slim fit woman turn into a big, thick, luscious curvaceous goddess. Her fitness dissapearing under layers of beautiful, soft fat. Seeing an already beautiful larger woman also add some extra sand to her figure has also been a massive turn on.

However in recent times I have been told by a plethora of people that I myself am remarkably underweight and that I need to thicken up myself.

One person told me that I need my own personal feeder! Another began expressing the changes they would love to see to my body and that it would help me become more attractive. My ex girlfriends have all told me they would love to see a thicker version of me.

Having said that I am at odds whether or not to go down this path.

I'm sure many a person on this forum has been in the same position.

Can anyone offer any form of insight into this

I tend to see thin men as delicate. It's like if I'm too rough, I could accidentally break them.

This has not happened, but they do not like it when I pick them up and hold them like a princess.

That said, if you really are underweight, you should put on some weight for health reasons. I used to be underweight. Gaining was the best thing for me. I stopped being cold all the time, I didn't get sick as often, and putting on muscle has made me a power house.

It's great.

You don't need to be fat, but at least on enough to be in the healthy BMI range.

Your bio says you are 123 lbs and 6'2". I am 5'7". I could princess carry you. My biceps are more than likely double yours. I do not say this to mock you. Rather, I am pointing out the severity of the problem.

You need a nutritionist, not a feeder. If you are more than likely missing huge swaths of nutrients and are probably at risk or have health issues from these deficiencies.

Thank you for your input much appreciated

Clearly putting muscle on (aswell as the chub that will come with it on a bulk) is part of the plan.

How much better do you feel being so strong?
6 months


I have always been a feeder and into larger women.

Nothing has turned me on more than seeing a slim fit woman turn into a big, thick, luscious curvaceous goddess. Her fitness dissapearing under layers of beautiful, soft fat. Seeing an already beautiful larger woman also add some extra sand to her figure has also been a massive turn on.

However in recent times I have been told by a plethora of people that I myself am remarkably underweight and that I need to thicken up myself.

One person told me that I need my own personal feeder! Another began expressing the changes they would love to see to my body and that it would help me become more attractive. My ex girlfriends have all told me they would love to see a thicker version of me.

Having said that I am at odds whether or not to go down this path.

I'm sure many a person on this forum has been in the same position.

Can anyone offer any form of insight into this

Same her! And recently I appreciate the offer and start eating extra to please my friends so I got thicker. And man, that feels so good!

Sounds like you are in heaven
6 months


Learn to let go and add some weight and see how you like it.
Do it for yourself.
20 or 30 more lbs isn't the end of the world and you just might find out you feel a lot stronger and healthier.
If others have said you should put on some weight maybe you should.

That's what many have also said. Just let go a bit and start with 20-30 pounds and see from there

Thanks for your feedback
6 months
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