Fat experiences

Fattest person you ever had sex with

I dated a beautiful 525lb 5'2 lady whom fattened me up to 485ish and best sex I've ever had!
7 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

I dated a beautiful 525lb 5'2 lady whom fattened me up to 485ish and best sex I've ever had!

That's my dream situation right there! The heaviest woman I've been with was 350lbs.
5 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

The heaviest lady I was with was 420 pounds. I know because she was right up front about it. This was back at the very beginnings of the internet and sites like this didn't exist. At this time everything I knew about fat acceptance was through dimensions magazine. It was just fascinating to me that this woman new about the magazine and fat acceptance and understood and was okay with me being an FA. She was very comfortable with her very large body. She said she wasn't a feedee, but there were subtle things that I didn't pick up that make me wonder in retrospect.
5 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

I dated a beautiful 525lb 5'2 lady whom fattened me up to 485ish and best sex I've ever had!

Wow would definitely love to hear the story about how she fattened you up!
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

Dimensions magazine's site and forum were fun back then.
I made lots of friends over there.
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

Dimensions magazine's site and forum were fun back then.
I made lots of friends over there.

I couldn’t agree with you enough!
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

He was just a hair over 500 lbs IIRC.
I was only about 200 lbs at the time.
It was great sex and he had all the right moves.

700 pounds of fun times. Wow
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

My fave is 4-500 but would be honored to have bigger. I find immobile irresistible. I want a true gainer.
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

She was about 350 pounds. She tried to be involved but was only able to for about 5 minutes before she just had to lay on her back and try and catch her breath. Was an amazing experience that I think about daily
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

My current partner who is about 5’9 and 550lbs. Positions are limited due to his belly getting in the way unless he’s lying flat on his back, but it’s definitely the best sex I’ve had regardless of me always having to be on top.
4 months
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