
Should i gain right now or wait? 20m

I am a 20M in college. I have been wanting to gain ever since I was 14, but I always struggled to do so as I have been scared of the reactions that would come from it and also how I would feel about it. I have tried gaining a few pounds to see how it like it and went from around 130 to 180 during covid. I really enjoyed this weight but since then, I have lost weight and have dropped back down to 165. I really want to be obese and definitely more with my major goal being morbidly obese. But I am still scared, I can't get past the horny urges even when bloating or stuffing myself. But I am still scared about gaining and how friends and family will react, and if it will be harder to find a relationship in college because of gaining weight. I really want a feeder to indulge but still want to be fit when I am not in a super horny mood(maybe a few hours a day) but as soon as I eat, I want to indulge even though I am not the biggest fan of food, or at least what I choose to eat. Does anyone have any advice? anything would help. Feel free to dm any advice as well
4 days

Should i gain right now or wait? 20m

I am a 20M in college. I have been wanting to gain ever since I was 14, but I always struggled to do so as I have been scared of the reactions that would come from it and also how I would feel about it. I have tried gaining a few pounds to see how it like it and went from around 130 to 180 during covid. I really enjoyed this weight but since then, I have lost weight and have dropped back down to 165. I really want to be obese and definitely more with my major goal being morbidly obese. But I am still scared, I can't get past the horny urges even when bloating or stuffing myself. But I am still scared about gaining and how friends and family will react, and if it will be harder to find a relationship in college because of gaining weight. I really want a feeder to indulge but still want to be fit when I am not in a super horny mood(maybe a few hours a day) but as soon as I eat, I want to indulge even though I am not the biggest fan of food, or at least what I choose to eat. Does anyone have any advice? anything would help. Feel free to dm any advice as well

If you've already gained weight and then lost it out of fear, then you are not ready. You need to get to a point where others opinions about your body do not matter to you. Only then will you be ready.
4 days

Should i gain right now or wait? 20m

See I didn’t lose the weight because I was scared, in fact I tried to keep putting on weight but as soon as quarantine finished I started having to walk and stuff again and my appetite slowly became worse and I don’t know why.
4 days

Should i gain right now or wait? 20m

I definitely feel regret that I didn’t take full advantage of my college years. It really is the best time to start this journey. However, no one can make this decision for you.
4 days

Should i gain right now or wait? 20m

If you've already gained weight and then lost it out of fear, then you are not ready. You need to get to a point where others opinions about your body do not matter to you. Only then will you be ready.[/quote]

I love the way you ended this with Only the will you be ready. Spoken like a true 'FF master' smiley

3 days