
Uncomfortable when people talk weight

Does anybody else around here feel deeply uncomfortable when people discuss weight around them? I feel like it’s not a very reasonable response but I have to physically remove myself from any space where weight is being talked about lest I get irritable or just really uneasy.
I hate it when people talk about weight loss and gain and things like dieting but realistically people talk about these things so it’s an issue I need to deal with. Does anybody else experience this or have any advice??
4 months

Uncomfortable when people talk weight

I have the same issue! Especially as its so normalised. I was watching a video about someone preparing for their wedding and the first half was so sweet and the second half was literally a barrage of abuse at herself about how she needed to loose weight and go to the gym before getting married and it was so triggering. Or people say comments like if you mention you're going on holiday, they'll say, are you going to get bikini ready and I'm like, I'm already bikini ready!!

It's very strange and I agree makes me super uneasy as well.
4 months

Uncomfortable when people talk weight

I am not a big fan either. I find diet talk annoying, even when it’s not directed at me (which it normally isn’t). And it’s really kind of sad when people who are barely overweight put themselves down and talk about themselves like they are deeply flawed and/or sick just because they are chubby.
4 months

Uncomfortable when people talk weight

I am not a big fan either. I find diet talk annoying, even when it’s not directed at me (which it normally isn’t). And it’s really kind of sad when people who are barely overweight put themselves down and talk about themselves like they are deeply flawed and/or sick just because they are chubby.

Yeah it is annoying I agree.
4 months

Uncomfortable when people talk weight

The unsolicited diet advice is really silly, like as if it’s just poor choices sometimes lol, like mfer I had 2 large pizzas for dinner last night

I just don’t let it bother me if it’s directed at me these days but if it’s just the topic of conversation I like steering the conversation to about food/ things people miss while dieting etc
4 months

Uncomfortable when people talk weight

I think at some point, I got so fat people knew darn well I wasn't going to take diet advice, and they gave up. 🤣
4 months

Uncomfortable when people talk weight

I am more just quietly amused. Especially the stick figure thinking she is getting fat

i find it particularly funny when i am with average-sized co-workers or casual acquaintances who do this, while i am sitting right there in front of them lol!
4 months

Uncomfortable when people talk weight

I'm kind of the opposite - I get totally engaged when people start talking about weight.

I feel like it's my natural response to try to share the notion of radical body acceptance.

I try to be careful not to overdo it, but I'll try to contribute a note about accepting the bodies that we are in, or even better - how some people actually prefer fatter bodies to thin ones.

100% I’m just aware of my audience so to speak body positivity doesn’t fly with everyone even if they are big eater and kinda a foodie (normie foodie not like a foodie foodie)
4 months

Uncomfortable when people talk weight

Hearing others talk about weight does make me feel kinda weird at times... Honestly I just have to tell myself that people around me don't think like I do. Its even hard to talk about it with people who I know are into it.
That being said, in my specific case when you're working around a buncha fat guys who talk about their weight all the time I've gotten at least a little used to it lol
4 months

Uncomfortable when people talk weight

I do get weirded out a bit when others talk about weight. I had to bite my tongue one day when two of my coworkers were talking about weight, specifically one of them is on the larger side and wants to lose weight while the other one was wanting to gain a little bit of weight since he was super skinny, and the bigger guy said "I don't get why someone wants to gain weight and get fat." I wanted to jump into that conversation, but it would have just made it awkward.

I had another one of my coworkers who's lost weight try to give me some weight loss advice. He was being somewhat subtle about it, but I just let him talk and let it go in one ear and out the other since I wasn't interested in losing weight. I just didn't have the heart to tell him that I wasn't interested in his advice. In his mind, I'm sure he thought he meant well and thought I was in the same mindset of wanting to lose weight. After all, society thinks that every fat person has the desire to lose weight when we know all to well that there's some people who are fat who don't want to lose but rather gain of course! Weight is just a touchy subject all together for most people, even for those trying to gain weight.
4 months