

I don't know why it's so hard for me to make friends in this community. Sometimes I think I'm the problem, maybe I'm just boring because after talking with people, they just ghost, and it kind of gets annoying after a while. But if you're seeing this, hit me up! I'm always looking for people to chat with!
1 week


I would love to talk some more if I wasn't so busy all the time
1 week


I don't know why it's so hard for me to make friends in this community. Sometimes I think I'm the problem, maybe I'm just boring because after talking with people, they just ghost, and it kind of gets annoying after a while. But if you're seeing this, hit me up! I'm always looking for people to chat with!

If someone ghosts you here, it’s not because of you, it’s because they are too scared to actually embrace their kink and talk to someone about it. They leave because they get overwhelmed (I’ve done this to people before and I’m not proud of it).

I know it sucks to get your hopes up when talking to someone only to have them vanish, but don’t let it affect your sense of self worth. With a bit of maturity (and maybe making a bunch of dumb mistakes) people will be happy to talk to you and build lasting friendships.
1 week