Lifestyle tips

"hidradenitis suppurativa "

"hidradenitis suppurativa "

My Feedee gets these bumps similar to a Staph infection near her armpits and side boob roll.

Anyone have any solutions?
Been using Apple Cider Vinger & zeasorb for about a week. The bumps have reduced in size.
1 year

"hidradenitis suppurativa "

Cafe Racer:
"hidradenitis suppurativa "

My Feedee gets these bumps similar to a Staph infection near her armpits and side boob roll.

Anyone have any solutions?
Been using Apple Cider Vinger & zeasorb for about a week. The bumps have reduced in size.

Honestly, I'd see a dermatologist.
1 year

"hidradenitis suppurativa "

Whatever you do, don't pop the bumps.
1 year

"hidradenitis suppurativa "

i have this underneath my breasts. the only thing that somewhat helped putting it into remission was losing weight which is extremely unfortunate... if it weren't for this disease i'd feel more comfortable with gaining. For now just make sure its not too moist in the problem areas, use some anti bacterial soap like hibiclens daily and some powder.
3 months

"hidradenitis suppurativa "

The medicine spironolactone has helped put mine into remission!!
3 months

"hidradenitis suppurativa "

The medicine spironolactone has helped put mine into remission!!

mines is in remission but do you know what t do for the hyperpigmentation the scarring leaves? thats one of my bigger insecurities. I can deal with the boils every 3 weeks or so but the permanent hyperpigmentation that stays is the true nightmare. >_
3 months

"hidradenitis suppurativa "

The medicine spironolactone has helped put mine into remission!!

mines is in remission but do you know what t do for the hyperpigmentation the scarring leaves? thats one of my bigger insecurities. I can deal with the boils every 3 weeks or so but the permanent hyperpigmentation that stays is the true nightmare. >_

Personally I’m not too insecure of the scars so I don’t have hands on experience with getting rid of scars, but I know vitamin e oil works wonders for some people when it comes to making them less noticeable and healing the skin! :]
3 months