Feedback and suggestions

What causes these odd & creepily persistent profile view records?

Max Stout:

Someone else might be able to give more info, but I’ll give it a go.

When someone who viewed your profile is deletes their account, it leaves behind a ghost like that with no name. I might be wrong on this part, but then if the user was logging in with a VPN it defaults to that Fiji flag when they quit the site. So if I’m right, all of those accounts who viewed you were using VPN. I’m sure they weren’t all from Fiji.

I’m pretty sure that doesn’t happen when someone is banned, only when they delete their account.

I had a run like that at one point, maybe earlier in the year. Same thing, every day or couple of days the ghost from Fiji hit me. I don’t know if anyone knew why at the time.

I will say that it’s sort of the nature of a site like this where you get people who create and delete their accounts. Maybe they’re married or have guilt/shame issues. Maybe they have very unorthodox internet usage habits. Who knows. There are people who constantly create and delete accounts. I don’t know why. I don’t think they’re up to no good. It’s just what they do. But it definitely feels weird to have a run of views like that. Honestly, I don’t like being able to see who viewed my account, period. But that’s just me.
6 months

What causes these odd & creepily persistent profile view records?

Max Stout:
More of the same strangeness…



…as has been greeting me here for the better part of a year now greeted me here again today, *sigh*.

Not sure why this one person is doing this either. A look at your profile doesn't show anything interesting (no offense). I can also see that you have taken measures to not be searchable. This means that this rando has a direct link to your profile.

Maybe you can ask admin to lock your profile. I know they normally save that for rule violations, but it couldn't hurt to ask. This way, no one but you and admin can see your profile.
5 months

What causes these odd & creepily persistent profile view records?

Max Stout:
More of the same strangeness…



…as has been greeting me here for the better part of a year now greeted me here again today, *sigh*.

Not sure why this one person is doing this either. A look at your profile doesn't show anything interesting (no offense). I can also see that you have taken measures to not be searchable. This means that this rando has a direct link to your profile.

Maybe you can ask admin to lock your profile. I know they normally save that for rule violations, but it couldn't hurt to ask. This way, no one but you and admin can see your profile.

I’d be a little surprised (a lot surprised) if it’s one person. I think that’s the default for — at least — people who delete their profile and were using a VPN. And that could be any VPN, it could be one that comes built in with a browser that someone might not even know they’re using (although that’s unlikely). It might also be people who get banned, I just don’t know about that.
5 months

What causes these odd & creepily persistent profile view records?

I also get these Fiji visits. Almost half of my notifs are Fijis visiting my profile.
5 months

What causes these odd & creepily persistent profile view records?

Hey folks, we have had a thread on this before, and Letters And Numbers has explained things pretty well but will try to help. Just let me know if you have questions.

When someone views your profile, a notification is triggered, which typically includes details like the account's username, membership duration, location, and time of the visit.

If the account is later deleted (either by the user or through a ban), the data tied to that account (username, profile pic, etc.) is removed.

However, the timestamp showing when the profile was viewed remains, because it is linked to your still-active account.

In place of the missing account information, the system displays default placeholders like the Fiji flag, no username, and a generic "new user" label as the membership duration data has been removed with all the other data. This can create the illusion that a "ghost" or new user viewed your profile, but it's just a glitch replacing the deleted account's data.

This is something we will look into fixing, I think the easiest thing to do is to simply remove this data completely from notifications when the accounts get deleted or banned. Members don't really need a notification that their profile has been viewed by a now non existent account.

It's on our list of things to fix, so please bear with us for now. But I can assure you it's nothing to worry about.

Take care,
FF Team
5 months