Fat experiences

Getting man boobs

I'm 6'3" and started getting boobs at around 240-250 lbs. I lost some weight and then regained...I'm now softer and my boobs are bigger than they were before.

My XL bikini top pretty much doesn't fit anymore and I'm bursting out of a C cup bra as well.
5 months

Getting man boobs

It was probably when I passed 210 (I’m about 5’6”) that I started growing moobs. They’re not big, and with a shirt you really can’t tell but my chest and underarms are getting fatter and jiggly. I hope they grow a lot more.
5 months

Getting man boobs

I got my man boobs when I reach around 200 pounds. I usually don’t mind them, except when it is hot out and I start sweating under them causing sweat stains on my shirt.
2 months

Getting man boobs

I’ve had man boobs since I hit puberty, and I’m 22 now. It’s weird, I used to be really self-conscious about them and felt very uncomfortable at the abnormally large size of them, but it’s time went on. I’ve started to feel very comfortable with them. They’re not like big flabby boys, but if I wore a sports bra or something, you’d think I was a girl with small boobs. Man boob love!

My bf is very thin and has small man boobs, partly because he used to be much fatter, partly because that's his body shape. He doesn't like them but I do! I'm pan-demi-sexual so I like all genders body shapes (I'm just not sexually attracted to most people).
1 month
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