Fat experiences

Question about gaining and fat distibution

I've always gained in my belly and thighs mostly, noticing more fat distribution to extremities with recent gains. My elbows finally developed a dimple and skin on upper arms 'puckering'? I can see where I might get a little roll someday on inner arm over elbow, but overall my arms aren't very fat yet. Recent-ish gain of almost 20# has made my belly super soft and squishy, especially everything south of equator.

Sagging more freely and even sways now, newest development is actually bulging out if I lift thigh\step forward. The wobble. Shape changing when sitting too, again south of the equator poofs out more when spreading over lap. Not a roll but indents on sides of bellybutton and the fat feels more fluid and jelly.

What I haven't seen mentioned on this thread is a "delayed distribution"... Does this happen to anyone else. My weight has held mostly steady or dropped a tad below 290 for months now. Even staying within same 5 pounds my belly seems to have done a drastic "fwump" in the way it hangs and added another solid inch or so while needle on scale refuses to budge.

A scar near top of my thigh was visible until recently, can't see it from front or side anymore. Belly dropped and spread out to cover it despite fact I haven't gained anymore weight. Same with another old scar I can't reach across belly anymore to cover with fingers. Exciting changes but slightly surprised at such a major shift without additional pounds.

I’m currently noticing something similar to this now. I stopped gaining in April and have maintained my weight, but I feel like I have slowly softened up since then. I haven't gained much more than 20 lbs, so I’m not sure how accurate my observation is.

Since I gained weight I'm even less physically active because most days I stay at my place instead of going out to places. This means I walk less, stay in bed later... I'm losing muscle so even if I've lost a 2-3 lbs my clothes aren't any looser. Even my one piece pyjama feels a little tighter.
3 months

Question about gaining and fat distibution

Hopefully massive and soft smiley
2 months

Question about gaining and fat distibution

Most of my fat has always gone to my belly. So I've got a growing ball belly!
2 months
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