Extreme obesity

Your ultimate fantasy?>

I think my ultimate fantasy would be to find a girlfriend that would secretly make me fat at start, become more open about it as time would go on and when I would be really big she would be full on dominant female feeder.

She would secretly give me appetite stimulants to make me hungry, give me sedatives to make me lazy and something to slow my metabolism down. Like mix those with food, drink and so on.

Also when I would have eaten really well and my belly would be big & heavy she would reward me with sex so that I would associate being full with being horny + getting off.

She would encourage me to be lazy, like just laying down and do nothing physical exercise.
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

My ultimate fantasy is to be immobile. I just want to be dependent on someone else and spend all day just eating and getting even bigger! Hopefully one day it isn’t just a fantasy
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

Answer the door for a delivery of food in my gym shorts and bare bellied and chested, then invite the delivery driver in for a bite and see their shock and amazement when they find out my $75 order is for none other than myself. Challenge them to out eat me and offer a cash reward if they can beat me!
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

An exoskeleton for walking when you weigh over 1000 pounds. A lot of fat people would get out of bed with something like that.
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

An exoskeleton for walking when you weigh over 1000 pounds. A lot of fat people would get out of bed with something like that.

Amazing, we should draw that up in CAD.
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

An exoskeleton for walking when you weigh over 1000 pounds. A lot of fat people would get out of bed with something like that.

I imagine something like what the Marvel Comics villain "Mojo" uses.
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

A huge gaybear who decided to crush me under his big hairy belly while gorging on food and burping in my face like a pig. And I have the chance to hear his stomach gurgling while I'm under him.
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

My wife & I doing a buffet tour. Where we go to a handful of different buffets & eat as much as we can, knowing we have other buffets to visit. After an evening of that, we go to get ice cream & go to a local bakery for dessert. By this point our bellies are sticking out from under our shirts. After the ice cream & bakery, we head back home & give each other belly rubs. Then have some hot steamy sex to end a magical night out. An ultimate fantasy, that I hope, would one day come true.
5 months

Your ultimate fantasy?>

Just a little correction from me, I wrote this post 8 months ago, But this summer Thanks to the grommr site I was able to meet a big guy who burped in my face many times (he knew how to burp on command) and crushed me under his big belly at the same time. And I met other big guys who also crushed me under their big bellies while I stuffed him with food. So for me it's no longer a fantasy since it has become real.
5 months

Your ultimate fantasy?>

My ultimate fantasy is to become the fattest trans man ever! I would love to reach that goal someday, and to just sit in bed playing video games and gorging on fattening foods as I continue to gain more and more weight and take up more space until my heart gives out from all the junk and soda I consume.
4 months
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