Fat experiences

Fun reminders of your weight at work

Chubby Cow:
I can get winded going up hills & stairs. It’s easier for me to walk than to run. Running just gets me very winded, very quickly.

Having a full belly at work, really makes it easier to feel my fat jiggle.

My fat thighs & belly hang will chaff if I don’t put fabric between them.

My under boobs & belly hang fold can gets sweaty. Plus I can feel my belly hang being lifted up by my thighs if I walk.

As a member of the big titty committee, keep that area as dry as possible.

Underboob rash is hell.

Glitter Jelly:
My doctor doesn't seem worried about my elevated prolactin even though if all my dresses and tops are getting really tight in the chest.

At 140 lbs my boobs are already as big as they were at my highest weight (180+ lbs)!

I felt so invalidated I couldn't stop crying at the last appointment. He prescribed another blood test for my vitamin D and calcium because both were a little low last time.

As a pharmacist I feel the hormonal imbalances are way more important?!? After I insisted he eventually added another prolactine and PTH (which also was elevated)...

I'm sorry, love. As a person who grew up with a lot of health issues, I know how that feels.

The best thing you can do is do your research and advocate for yourself. In the interim, there are things you can do to lower your prolactin levels. I won't say it will fix the issue, but it will reduce it.

Check this out:

4 weeks

Fun reminders of your weight at work

I will check out your link.

It says > 25 is too high for a woman, this year it was 27 in March, 30 in July and 33 in October...

A high prolactin can also make you gain weight. I'm freaking out.
4 weeks

Fun reminders of your weight at work

Glitter Jelly:
I will check out your link.

It says > 25 is too high for a woman, this year it was 27 in March, 30 in July and 33 in October...

A high prolactin can also make you gain weight. I'm freaking out.

Breathe, girl. Breathe

1. This is fixable.

2. You are not a failure for gaining weight.

3. You are not going to die.

You know your prolactin levels are high, but you don't know why. Keep advocating for yourself, and you will find the answers you seek. In the meantime, you can do some symptom management at home. It will make things more bearable.

Before I went to the doctor for an official PCOS diagnosis, I did at-home symptom management. Sure, it didn't cure me, but it helped me to function better. If I didn't do it, I think I would have been an invalid in bed full of pain.

And lean on your partner for support. It sounds like he cares deeply for you and your wellbeing. Remember that you are not alone. You have people in your life who are willing to step up and help you. You need to let them.
4 weeks

Fun reminders of your weight at work


I can't help but feel like a beached whale. When I got home today I had to unzip my pants and take off my bra, I was painfully uncomfortable. I have red marks on my belly and chest from the elastics.

My partner suffers from severe depression and chronic pain so as much as he loves me I don't feel like it's OK to lean on him.

My social worker came to my last doctor's appointment, she's helping me a lot lately but I feel guilty for taking so much of her time... She even picks me up and drives me back home afterwards.

At least my doctor saw me for more than 10 minutes and was a lot more empathic than last time. I was crying my eyes out and he didn't even offer me a kleenex.
4 weeks

Fun reminders of your weight at work

I'm in the USA for the weekend for a festival. At least no one knows me here so I don't feel as self conscious as I am in Montreal. Everywhere I look it seems like there are at people here!
4 weeks

Fun reminders of your weight at work

In a job I had some 25 years back the production plant had lots of vertical pipe with spaces between them, all different. I recall the day I could no longer fit between some I had the week before. It was both embarrassing with fellow work mates, and excitement at the same moment. Now days I need to watch some door ways in older buildings.
4 weeks
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