Awesome thread! Here's rapid fire advice
- Always do an enema/douche before inflating with air. Every. Time! You have a lot more waste in your guts than you realize, many pharmacies have enema kits for under 10 dollars. Once you're nice and cleared out, air is more easily accessible to your body, reduces cramps too
- When starting out, fasten a belt a little higher up than your belly button. This will allow the liquid from the enema/air to be contained within your intestines. Your intestines actually swell up much more than your stomach organ itself, so training them to expand is crucial! Hence why enemas are very important
- Use lots of lube! Personally I use coconut oil or Vaseline. Use rubber latex aquarium tubing as well vs the hard plastics. I've hurt my bum so much using the plastic tubes 😵💫
- Once you're cleared out, and hooked up to the air, don't push all the tube in at once. I learned that as you release gas it makes it much easier to slip the tubing inside!
- As the inflation progresses, be sure to give your belly plenty of rubs (again I use coconut oil or Vaseline). It helps the air settle. As your lower belly begins to swell, raise the belt up very very gradually. Slowly filling your belly like this will get you huge, trust the process 👌👌
- While inflating if possible, lift your arms above your head/elevate your arms in some way. Expanding your diaphragm is crucial, helps you breath better and gives your insides more room to stretch. I usually hold onto my shower curtain holder, but don't hold onto anything that may break easily.
- Also, listen to your body! Inflation isn't as scary as people imagine, if your stomach or intestines were ripping or close to popping that feeling would be unbearably painful and you'd stop inflating before that ever happens.
- Be consistent, and have fun!
- Always do an enema/douche before inflating with air. Every. Time! You have a lot more waste in your guts than you realize, many pharmacies have enema kits for under 10 dollars. Once you're nice and cleared out, air is more easily accessible to your body, reduces cramps too
- When starting out, fasten a belt a little higher up than your belly button. This will allow the liquid from the enema/air to be contained within your intestines. Your intestines actually swell up much more than your stomach organ itself, so training them to expand is crucial! Hence why enemas are very important
- Use lots of lube! Personally I use coconut oil or Vaseline. Use rubber latex aquarium tubing as well vs the hard plastics. I've hurt my bum so much using the plastic tubes 😵💫
- Once you're cleared out, and hooked up to the air, don't push all the tube in at once. I learned that as you release gas it makes it much easier to slip the tubing inside!
- As the inflation progresses, be sure to give your belly plenty of rubs (again I use coconut oil or Vaseline). It helps the air settle. As your lower belly begins to swell, raise the belt up very very gradually. Slowly filling your belly like this will get you huge, trust the process 👌👌
- While inflating if possible, lift your arms above your head/elevate your arms in some way. Expanding your diaphragm is crucial, helps you breath better and gives your insides more room to stretch. I usually hold onto my shower curtain holder, but don't hold onto anything that may break easily.
- Also, listen to your body! Inflation isn't as scary as people imagine, if your stomach or intestines were ripping or close to popping that feeling would be unbearably painful and you'd stop inflating before that ever happens.
- Be consistent, and have fun!
4 months