Chubby Cow:
You can get pear shaped males. George Washington Is a good example of a pear shaped male.
The body shape is determined by bone size & can impact fat distribution.
It’s mainly due genetic & hormones. However fat cells can affect your hormone levels by increasing a person’s estragon level. As fat cell produces estragon. Bigger & more numerous the fat cells make more estragon.
Hip bones after puberty are the only bone in the body that will slowly continue to grow wider to a lesser extent, up to the age of 90.
This can easily be mistaken for weight gain in older men.
Also Pear shaped is due to wider hips on any gender.
There are also women who naturally have broad shoulders & narrow hips.
Hours glasses or wasp figures for men (same thing). Is due to wider hips & broad shoulders. Historically, speaking hours glass/ wasp figures were thought of being more manly than narrow hiped men. During the 1700s & early time periods.
As a trans woman before taking herbal HRT. I was lucky to have a natural hourglass figure for a male after male puberty.
To answer your question. Depending on you family’s genetic & hormone hormone sensitivity level. As well as the amount estragon your fat cells produce. The effectiveness of the male hormones DHT to stop the effects of female hormones.
There a possibility that you could become a pear shaped male, as long as your genetic is programmed to allow it under the correct hormone level.
Sorry for the long explanation but I had to study this when I started to do DYI herbal transition. I do use my fat cells to increase my estragon level, a long with the plant estragon. I also use herbs to reduce my DHT level.
This did make my hip bones wider than before.
Rule of thumb is to look at women or wide hipped men in your family to get a rough idea to see if this is achievable for you.
If you have broad shoulders, then you will have to aim for an overweight hour glass/ wasp figure.
Thanks for the info. So do you think it's possible for me to get it? Having a fat, pear-shaped body with a huge butt would be a huge pleasure.