Fat experiences

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

It happened a few months ago, but I was going out with a friend, went to an authentic New York pizza spot that only has booths, and I could not squeeze myself fully into the booth, with gut stuck on the table I felt so embarrassed, the person I was with didn't mention it at all but I saw a few looks from the staff as I struggled in the seat
4 months

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

I was struggling to put jeans on because of my weight
4 months

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

I was front and center of a video call on a zoom meeting in front of a large audience on the projector screen and I looked absoutlely massive barley reconginzed myself legit did a double take
4 months

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

Recently, I was at a restaurant Aunt ordered the burrito meal and the button up shirt I was wearing was kind of snug before I went, but they’re the two lower buttons ended up popping off and I was very embarrassed, but also around the same time embarrass and try my best to cover it up in order to finish my meal and leave.
4 months

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

Popping my jeans and flannel while eating at McDonald’s and hit someone 😅

Wow! This has to make the top of a lot of lists. Just cause of how cartoonish it sounds.
4 months

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

I got stuck in a bathroom stall a couple of days ago.
I got in sideways but couldn't get turned around. to sit down.
I finally squeezed out and waited on the handicapped stall. I was soo embarrassed.
The lady that helped me out of the tiny stall was so kind. I must have thanked her a million times.
Bathroom stalls vary a lot so I never know if I am going to fit in them.
3 months

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

I got stuck in a bathroom stall a couple of days ago.
I got in sideways but couldn't get turned around. to sit down.
I finally squeezed out and waited on the handicapped stall. I was soo embarrassed.
The lady that helped me out of the tiny stall was so kind. I must have thanked her a million times.
Bathroom stalls vary a lot so I never know if I am going to fit in them.

Expect you'll laugh about your experience before long but why do we have seats like this, and worse still on airlines, that are too small for the population which we all know is getting bigger? Large people being forced to pay for two airline seats seems common practice and must be very uncomfortable. Fortunately I can still fit on a single airline seat but mostly I need a seat belt extender - but sometimes not. I'm amused at having to ask but others I know are embarrassed - why not simply fit longer belts?
3 months

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

I got stuck in a bathroom stall a couple of days ago.
I got in sideways but couldn't get turned around. to sit down.
I finally squeezed out and waited on the handicapped stall. I was soo embarrassed.
The lady that helped me out of the tiny stall was so kind. I must have thanked her a million times.
Bathroom stalls vary a lot so I never know if I am going to fit in them.

Expect you'll laugh about your experience before long but why do we have seats like this, and worse still on airlines, that are too small for the population which we all know is getting bigger? Large people being forced to pay for two airline seats seems common practice and must be very uncomfortable. Fortunately I can still fit on a single airline seat but mostly I need a seat belt extender - but sometimes not. I'm amused at having to ask but others I know are embarrassed - why not simply fit longer belts?

One reason - money
3 months

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

I ran into a colleague I hadn’t seen in five or six weeks. She’s funny, sweet, and extremely straightforward—she just says whatever comes to her mind, no filter. You know the type. She stopped, looking surprised, widened her eyes, and grinned: "Wow! You gained some kilos!" Then she gestured in the air around her own imaginary love handles, squeezing them as if she were pinching invisible fat. She looked genuinely amused and taken aback.

I’m not that much heavier, and I haven't really gained that much. But I was very fit to begin with, so I guess it shows. Plus, I think some people are surprised that I, of all people, would gain weight. Normally, I can handle her comments—at work, we tend to be pretty direct with each other. But this time, I just felt my cheeks go red with embarrassment.

To add to it all, it was Friday, and the meeting room was full of croissants. Every time I reached for one, her face lit up with this teasing grin, clearly enjoying herself. She’s in a relationship, which I fully respect, but she still has this way of making a moment both funny and a little too honest—something only she can pull off.
3 months

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

Max Stout:
After I had gone round the grocery store loading up my cart for my milk and cookie binge the other day I briefly crossed glances with the wife of a former co-worker and her children and—upon her having said hi and my name—rather than stopping and talking as I otherwise have the few times I have chanced to see her in public in the twelve years since that job, I just chirped a quick hello and beelined to the checkout aisle furthest removed from said chance encounter and out the door.

All of which now has me pondering whether there ought to be some kind of exchange program where those interested in diving headlong into the fat side could be far removed, perhaps even to completely different continents, to live out their days without risk of any such mortifying experiences as I just described; ha.

I’m sorry but what was mortifying about going grocery shopping? I don’t think people actually care what you get or think oh this guy is going to eat all of that? Idk just put yourself in the shoes of someone else do you think you’d really think twice about what someone had in there cart?
2 months
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